Is it normal to feel like you know how you'll die?

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Basically... for a long time I've felt like I'm supposed to die by my own hands. However, I'm not actively trying to do so, and I don't struggle with those types of thoughts. I have in the past, and sometimes it crosses my mind, but I do not have a strong desire to act on it and I don't feel like I'm someone who needs serious help (I'm open to therapy, however.)

It's just that the way I've been treated in life - abused by family, talked down to by friends and colleagues, always being told I'm wrong whether it's saying something factually wrong or my opinion is BS. Stuff like that. I always feel 'attacked'. I am alone without friends or romantic relationships. I feel like the world is sending me a message; pushing me to do that to myself one day.

I feel like I'm a prime candidate for dying by my own hands, although I turn my head to such an idea. But is it normal to feel like this is my fate? Even though I'm consciously aware that I don't WANT that?

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Comments ( 5 )
  • Tinybird

    I feel the same way. I also have a fantasy of dying for a cause - ending my life because of my problem, which nobody cares about people like me who suffer from this problem. I fantasize about writing a letter to leave behind exactly of my thoughts and what drove me to it, and then going through with it. But I am too much of a coward to go through with it.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I'll probably die of a heart attack just like my mom, and my cat.

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  • kelili

    I have a feeling that I will die of old age.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    I got a feeling my heart is gonna get me. Sometimes when Im working out it'll randomly feel like I got wacked in the chest with a bat and then it goes away. Itll be like one massive heart beat thats painful. I think its from doing a lot of cocaine when I was younger. Kinda scary. The wife keeps telling me to visit a cardiologist but it has gotten abit better it rarely happens now. Im hoping itll go away.

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    • notmyrealname123

      a looks like we're going to miss someone soon

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