Is it normal to feel like youre being watched when falling asleep?
Alright well ever since I was a kid I've found it hard to fall asleep without some background noise or a little bit of light.
My house has had a few deaths, all of which I saw with my own eyes. I find paranormal explanations hard to believe myself, but hear me out.
I've also had a ringing in my ears ever since I can remember, and I can detect fluctuations in the air/room so if someone or something moves, something turns on, etc, I can hear it.
Anyways, everytime I turn the lights off, tv off, etc., no background noise, trying to fall asleep, I feel like I'm being watched. As I close my eyes and just try to fall asleep, that ringing in my ears makes me feel like something is getting closer and closer. When I open my eyes and sit up there's nothing there of course. Still, very uncomfortable.
Does anyone else have this/these things? I'm reall interested to hear if anyone can detect things like this, too.