Is it normal to feel motion sick when bending down or after moving a lot?

For some reason when I bend down too fast or bending down for a period of time in general I get the feeling that feels like I’m motion sick, but I don’t know if that’s the right term. I also feel sick after dancing or moving a lot for some reason too. I’m not an overweight or unhealthy person or anything, and i do exercise, but does anyone else experience this?

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Comments ( 3 )
  • Ummitsstillme

    Bending down especially and getting up real fast can send blood to and from the head and can cause dizziness. A lot of headbanging or head movements can do this as well when dancing, espcecially if you're not really young.

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  • sweetone89

    Have you ever had a head injury? I had a concussion 2 years ago and get episodes of lightheadedness when walking.

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    • sweetone89

      Possible causes, but see a doctor: 1. Ear infection. 2. BPPV 3. Blood pressure fluctuations.

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