Is it normal to feel nothing every day?

I've been battling with really bad depression for the past couple of years, but lately, it's been getting kinda worse. Like, I get up every day but I don't even feel sad anymore, I just don't even have the energy to be sad so I have this aching headache and sinking in my body that doesn't have any feelings if that makes sense. It's getting really draining because I can't pinpoint a specific thing that is making me feel this way and it's starting to really get in the way of my daily life. I used to feel sad and cry and think it was the worst thing but now I can't even cry without trying to because I just feel nothing. Like-everyday is the same and I just always disappoint myself with everything and then I just get even more numb and it's really exhausting and I feel tired and I always have a sinking feeling within me and like-I'm fine when I'm around people but then I just am alone and start to think and just melt into nothingness. Idk if that makes sense lol. But ugh I really just want it to all stop. Is this normal? If it's not, what do I do?

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Comments ( 7 )
  • litelander8

    It’s not normal. You need to drink more water and do some kind of exercising everyday. Get some sun.

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  • girlinadarkcorner

    Those are all common symptoms of chronic depression. I think you should seek professional help if that's an option for you and try to take care of it before it gets worse.

    There are a lot of things you can do on your own to help yourself too. Make sure you're getting enough sleep and physical activity every day, and consider reaching out to a friend or a family member you trust if you can. Make sure you're also drinking enough water and eating healthy as you're physical health can directly impact your mental state as well and vice versa. Meditation can also be really helpful, and might help you figure out what's causing you to feel this way or how to get out of it.

    Also remember that you don't have to make a lot of progress right away, as long as you're taking some steps toward bettering yourself. Just take small steps every day and be patient with yourself.

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  • raisinbran

    It's better not to feel anything.

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  • notsaying4life

    I think you are depressed and need to seek professional help as you MAY not recover on your own anytime soon

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  • Somenormie

    I feel ya I had been depressed since March all the way to June. I went as far to get some counselling though I had mostly dealt with depression initially by eating my feelings ( really bad idea by the way ).

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  • Normalmember

    I started taking more time off of work. That cuts down on stress.

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  • Menacingduck

    It's fine.

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