Is it normal to feel really bad for inanimate objects?

Ever since I was younger, I've personified inanimate objects. I feel so bad for wrappers.
Like, straw wrappers especially. Everyone just takes the straw and pitches the wrapper... I get all guilty and I end up keeping the wrapper because I know it must feel unloved. Same with candy wrappers. And the extra unused napkins after going to a restaurant.
I have an entire drawer for my personifications, and I'm devastated if I lose any of them.
When I see a leaf on the floor inside a building, I stop and pick it up, because it's lost and is desperate to go back outside. So I keep it in my pocket until I leave the building and can release it back into its natural habitat.
There's more, but I'm not gonna type all that. Haha.
(Darn it, now I feel like I'm neglecting my other personifications and their feelings will be hurt. I love you all; don't be hurt!)
Is this a disorder or is it just my personality? Is it normal?

Voting Results
31% Normal
Based on 74 votes (23 yes)
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Comments ( 13 )
  • Alkibiades

    My dear, Don't worry. As a young child many years ago I would pick up stones randomly and put them somewhere else just to give them a chance to travel. There is a genuinely profound feeling associated with your activity, which is far from being a meaningless quirk. Your sense of natural sympathy is a good sign of your inner character and suggests you have the makings of a teacher or saint. However, any human activity can become compulsive and neurotic. Next time you find that leaf inside the building, don't feel you must bring it outside. Sincerely and silently ask the leaf what IT wants. You may discover the leah wishes to remain outside. Think a bit more deeply.

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  • joybird

    Saw a TV programme on this recently - be VERY careful you don't turn into a hoarder. It might help you to watch programmes such as How It's Made etc that shows you the straw comes from a massive reel of paper.

    I can understand this with animals or insects but honestly, inanimate objects do not have feelings.

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  • Lauren62090

    I'm the same way. Like whenever I go into a toy store or store in general I have to puck up the fallen toys or products so they can be with there friends and have a chance of being sold. Also I always have to buy the deformed stuffed animal because I feel bad for it like it won't
    get a home if I don't buy it.

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  • Oh my gosh!!!! I'm the same!! Especially when I was little haha. Aw poor leaf): I hated it cause it made me so sad I'd cry sometimes. I'm a lot better now though..

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  • Rocket_9

    you're fucking crazy and abnormal, at least with regards to straw and candy wrappers. lol Just know that these 'objects' have no cognitive processes. They don't feel sad, happy, love, fear or pity as you or I do. They have no brain or soul. Neither do trees. Direct your sympathy towards those who need and can also appreciate it. stray dogs or homeless people would be a good start.

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  • TheBunnie

    I'm the exact same way with stuffed animals and toys... I've been wondering the same thing for years. I didn't know anybody else I knew who did this!

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  • nowimsureimsane

    Aww poor leafy and cereal bits...i do the same sometimes.i feel bad for unused napkins that get thrown away or if a new food item gets busted or spilled before it had a chance to be used.what about when a tree gets cut down,do you think its screaming?what about the shores of a beach,maybe some people get sad at how the angry ocean just keeps pounding and crushing away the little grains of sand.i sometimes personify food,i cook alot and if its catfish i meow like a kitty or if its chicken i 'ba gawk'!do you think it would be ok to feel intimate towards the clothes you have on?well i dont know how normal it is but im feeling really bad about the leefy and cereal glad they were able to rejoin their so sad now....

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  • Sriracha

    If a few of something I'm pouring out, such as cereal, doesn't make it in the bowl then I feel bad for them. I have to get them with their friends! I have felt the way you do about a multitude of things, but don't let it consume you.

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  • Huh... In response to the person talking about morality... Well I've always been a really sensitive boy. I can't stand seeing someone sad or hurt, it makes me want to cry cause i cant hug everyone ): I'm always soo paranoid about hurting people, and I'm a pacifist. Also, I've always loved animals, even bugs. Maybe that is related to this? idk

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  • equanimity

    I feel that way about bugs, even spiders (which I can't stand).

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    • Um, those aren't inanimate objects. LOL

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      • equanimity

        Yeh, but they are dumb enough to be. :D

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  • emilydoll

    Omgosh me too! The little leafy! :}

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