Is it normal to feel really bad for inanimate objects?
Ever since I was younger, I've personified inanimate objects. I feel so bad for wrappers.
Like, straw wrappers especially. Everyone just takes the straw and pitches the wrapper... I get all guilty and I end up keeping the wrapper because I know it must feel unloved. Same with candy wrappers. And the extra unused napkins after going to a restaurant.
I have an entire drawer for my personifications, and I'm devastated if I lose any of them.
When I see a leaf on the floor inside a building, I stop and pick it up, because it's lost and is desperate to go back outside. So I keep it in my pocket until I leave the building and can release it back into its natural habitat.
There's more, but I'm not gonna type all that. Haha.
(Darn it, now I feel like I'm neglecting my other personifications and their feelings will be hurt. I love you all; don't be hurt!)
Is this a disorder or is it just my personality? Is it normal?