Is it normal to feel sad towards wild beasts?

During my trip to Poland, I came across a monster sized beast, it might have been walrus. It was big and fat and had a large snout, it made these grotesque noises whenever it moved. But at the same time it looked sad and lost because there was only one of them.. Than I noticed a larger beast just a few feet from the smaller one. The larger creature was dead with half it's body eaten and rotting away in the snow. The poor little fat creature kept returning to the larger fatter dead creature and making noises. Than the smaller beast realized that it could do nothing and decided to entered the icy water and swim away.

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78% Normal
Based on 58 votes (45 yes)
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Comments ( 13 )
  • jeebley

    That story is really very sad. Well, it wasn't really a story...more a recollection of a nonevent. But that's what you get when you visit the monster beasts of Poland!! Incidentally, that's also what happened when Adam Yauch died. The other Beastie boys kept flapping up to him and making roaring/whining noises. Eventually they too dived back into the icy waters and swam away, to where nobody knows.

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  • Who_Fan4Life

    Wilford Brimley?

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    • seakelp

      Well done

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  • mixwell

    I wouldn't go labeling your mother a wild beast now cmon thats uncalled for. Who told you my nickname for her in bed anyways ?

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  • mrkrule

    that is the saddest thing I've ever heard

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  • Mersaphe

    Are you talking about your mother in law?

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  • Wow that's amazing they do that! Lucky animals..

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  • sega31098

    Your story is so awkward. Are there even any pinnipeds in Poland? The temperature there is way too moderate to support such life let along such icy water.

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  • Walruses can perform autofellatio. Hard to feel sorry for an animal who can do that.

    Seriously's normal. We all tend to project human emotions onto other animals.

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  • Heatermh3u


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  • They are disgusting creatures.

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  • suckonthis9

    Creatures are neither 'monsters' nor 'beasts'. These are both archaic forms of poorly understood creatures. The former is a term which is derived from Latin, 'monstrum' meaning omen, and the latter also from Latin, 'bēstia', which is a vague term that can refer to any wild animal.

    You should endeavor to identify creatures positively, and identify them that way.
    For example: I think that they might have been walrus (Odobenus rosmarus).

    All creatures, except humans (Homo sapiens sapiens), are neither 'rich' nor 'poor', as 'wealth' is a concept unique to humans.

    Are these the creatures that you had seen?

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    • mrkrule

      OP used "poor" in a totally different way, like pitiful. Also, why the hell did you write this?

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