Is it normal to feel scared ?

My niece and her husband live across the street they've been married 4 years this month they have a daughter and they have a son on the way. She doesn't feel safe with her family living here with all the shootings and stuff happening here lately. We're in south east Ohio we just had a shooting over in Charleston WV which is an hour away a couple weeks ago there was a shooting down in Pike County OH which is one hour the other way that killer(s) is still on the loose. She was scared to move far away from us which is why she moved closer but now she doesn't even feel safe here. She doesn't even feel safe taking her family out weather it's shopping or even to the zoo or to the movies she thinks she doesn't feel safe anywhere. She doesn't even feel safe sending her daughter to pre school. She's also has been having horrible nightmares too. She also can't sleep well at night her husband said he leaves the tv on for her. How can I help her feel better ?

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Comments ( 5 )
  • yonduudonta

    Fearing for what you love is normal not wanting to leave or move far from people you feel comfortable with is also normal it's just insecurity and this is a dangerous world but if you live in fear the bad guys win

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  • PhillipLoco

    Fear NO ONE Learn Bas Ruttens Self Defence:

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  • RoseIsabella

    I dunno, maybe she's a very sensitive person. It's possible that she may have OCD, and or she may have developed an anxiety disorder. I would say to just continue to be there for her for moral support. You can pray for her if you want as well of course.

    In my humble opinion she may very well be approaching the point at which point she needs professional help in which case you're powerless over her an her phobia. Just try to encourage her to get out and get help if you can.

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  • AB1234

    Um..... yeah. I'd say exposure to murder within an hour of one's home is at least for some people enough of a reason to feel frightened.

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  • Azaman

    Well, I don't know how you can make her feel better, but two shootings, weeks apart, an hour away from you is nothing to worry about. Typically there is motive behind shootings, not always, so as long as she's not messing with sketchy people, she shouldn't be concerned.
    You know how many shootings occur in this country every day? It's a lot.
    Pretty sure unless you move to the middle of nowhere, there's always gonna be a shooting within an hour of where you are regardless.

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