Is it normal to feel scared at night when your at home?

Im 20 years old and at the middle of night when i decide to go to sleep i get out of my room and run to the bathroom really fast cuz i think some wierd ghost/monster/thing is chasing after me. i even sometimes use the light of my phone to shine where im going to see any monster thingies. when im in bed i also think im seeing things crawl on the cieling, and one time a woke up with a huge cutt on my forehead. wth is going on is it normal

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63% Normal
Based on 54 votes (34 yes)
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Comments ( 13 )
  • That_Dude999

    To calm you down: The huge cut might have been self inflicted.
    Eventhough you are sleeping, does not mean that you are completely static. Sleep walking is only an extreme to normal movements while sleeping.
    When you are about to fall asleep and whilst being asleep your brainwaves change their wave length, which means your brain is working in different ways.
    This has also an empiric effect on your conciousness, meaning you experience things around you in a different way, which might scare you.
    This is nothing scary though, it is your body reacting to an unusal situation... being scared of the unkown.
    It is a mind trick to be exact.
    To be scared is normal though! We all are really. Those who are not, are simply dumb!

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  • Anime7

    Put a video camera in your hallway and see if there is something in your house.

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  • Adelaide

    Actually, I'd say this is more normal than we think.
    To be completely honest, I sometimes have a disturbing feeling when walking through my flat at night, too.

    I think a lot of people have some kind of a "hidden fear of the dark" or something, but they would never admit it.

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  • myweirdself16

    i do the same thing, one time i thought i saw something as i was walking into my bathroom that's about 2 feet away from my door, and i nearly had a heart attack.

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  • lol rin idk. i just really want to know what is out in the hallways

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  • tthanks guys, tonight i will set up my camera on atripod in the hallway, ask me how it goes

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    • rin

      Do you think that would help if you actually do find something on the camera? XD

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  • joybird

    I use my phone to guide me up the stairs at night instead of turning on the hall lights. However, I've often thought it strange that none of my neighbours have thought to call round in case it's a burglar!!

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  • rin

    I never sleep in the dark.

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    • marybeth

      that's weird..

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      • rin

        hmm I guess it is. I can but the tv has to be on instead and someone's with me, but if I'm alone I have to have the lights on.

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  • GMAN

    You should probably stop doing this... your 20 now.

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    • nobleserpent


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