Is it normal to feel severe pain from installing iud?

Just to clarify this was some years ago and the procedure was never actually finished because I simply couldn't handle the pain for as long as the procedure lasted, which is apparently only a minute. The whole time I was hyperventilating from pain alone and by the time it ended it really felt like I had reached the limit for what I can handle. I went to another gynecologist one second time to see if I could get painkillers/anesthesia this time, but they refused just out of principle and I didn't try again. Only two times in my life I have been to a gynecologist and because of that I am never seeing one again, its doubtful even if my life depended on it. Especially knowing they may just refuse to give painkillers/anesthesia when needed. STDs/pregnancy are not a worry as I never had sex and even if I get in a relationship I would refuse intercourse (but may do other things instead). Women who have done both, how does IUD pain compare to childbirth?

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