Is it normal to feel shy about chatting to other players in an mmo?

A lot of shy people describe feeling free of their shyness and social anxiety in an online setting, but for me that isn't the case. If people try chatting to me or inviting me to join their group in MMOs I get nervous about it. Is that normal?

Voting Results
90% Normal
Based on 21 votes (19 yes)
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Comments ( 3 )
  • ImjustJeff

    Though I'm not a gamer (I had to Google MMO), I find it much easier to put my words into text. It gives me a chance to think about what I have typed before sending vs having had said something out loud that didn't come out right, and is too late to take back.

    I am typically a relatively quiet person, in person, but get me on a story or subject I can relate to, on a site like this, it seems I could type for days. Sometimes I don't realize how long my replies are until after I proofread them, but I still submit them :)

    I just thought, depending on the chat room, or website, technically you can be whomever, wherever, or whatever you want to be.....right? Maybe think of it more as 'roll playing' and it might become easier.

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  • ThatOneDudez

    All the time. I used to not do that, but then I stopped for a bit and went back. I was like "OH GOD PEOPLE! SEND HELP!"
    Aaaand then I run away or log off and look like a complete idiot.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    Normal. I sometimes get nervous messaging other users here.

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