Is it normal to feel shy when an animal is looking at me

Like when I go to my friend's house and her dog keeps looking at me and I'll pretend to not notice and not look at it. And especially cats. I can't stand looking into their eyes. But I have no problem with making eye contact with human beings

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Comments ( 5 )
  • M.U.

    I don't normally feel that way, but I do have one cat who would sometimes sit in my lap, purr, and look up into my eyes. It was honestly a little too intimate and kinda freaked me out.

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  • zelit

    Basic animal instinct. You can look into a persons eye because you are a person to. You understand how that person thinks. But you (your subconscious) does not know what the animal is thinking. To an animal looking into it's eyes is a challenge, an aggressive act. So basic instinct tells you not to look into an animals eyes. With that in mind you should be more self confident when this occurs in pets. As they see you as a master, and should be able to out think, or out fight it.

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  • Sunkissed82

    Haha I couln't help but to start laughing when I saw this.Thats so funny and odd.Do u think the animals might be attracted to u?Maney you have sorts a animal whisper thing going

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  • hopeful_chaos

    Lol. Thats cute.

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  • Avant-Garde

    Sometimes, looking in their eyes bothers me. I have taken time to look in my dogs eyes, but at some point I get weirded out:/

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