Is it normal to feel smarter than the average person for being atheist

My beliefs about Atheism and religion sometimes make me feel smarter than people who are religious or don't care about religion. I really don't want to seem egocentric because I am not. I try to be the humblest person I can be, but when I listen to religious people talk about their faith or try to argue in favor for religious controversies I feel as if I am higher up than them, or as if I have achieved a greater understanding of the world than they have.

I think maybe I feel this way because my Intellectualism is one of the only things I am moderately proficient at. A lot of people would say I am stupid and immature because of the way I act, but I think that is because they don't know what I am really thinking 90% of the time. Are there any other Atheists or even Agnostics that feel the same way I do?

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Comments ( 34 )
  • Mr-Time

    Its perfectly normal.
    We atheist are right and the evidence to prove it.
    Think about it if you met an adult who still completely believed in Santa, left cookies asked for presents wouldn't you think it was sad and stupid. The same goes for people who think a magical sky being watches over us and loves all of us. As long as we love and worship him. and aren't gay. or atheist. or another religion. or female. And if we live our lives according to a set of rules written over 2000 years ago then we all get to go to a magical afterlife. Provided we haven't done anything bad.

    Religion is wrong and plainly so, those who ardently cling to it are either weak, ignorant or stupid. Its kinda hard not to feel smarter and better.

    So my message is this, live in the real world, stop trying to get us to love your invisible friend and we'll stop feeling better than you.

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    • RevDMB

      I fucking love it. We need more people in the world like you! Who are not blinded by the ignorance that surrounds us.

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    I think it's a matter of what ever help. I am not religious but if we were talking religion I would try and see a point in the other persons view. But otherwise I won't say they are wrong! Or dumb. I do agree faith can bring hope although I may think it's false hope I also think it works for them so why not.

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  • CrushCrush

    Yes all atheists think they are 'enlightened' and 'smarter' than everyone else.

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    • crookedtoothloser

      I'm an atheist but I don't feel superior to religious people.

      I feel superior to a religious person who challenges my beliefs without provocation (The lack of provocation reflects the kind of arguments they're likely to make and brings to light important aspects of their personality)

      I feel superior to atheists who make circular criticisms about the religious. (Remember how the bible is the real deal because it says so in the bible?)

      At any rate it's not really a sense of superiority, it's exasperated frustration, not with people's mental capacities or their ability to use them, rather, their lack of effort to make detailed and accurate arguments because it's "too difficult".

      Anyway, I'm only an atheist because I honestly don't believe and I've never heard a convincing argument for spirituality. I can definitely understand the desire for comfort, especially when you lose someone.

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  • Honesticity

    Arrogance is assuming you're right. Being humble is accepting that you just might be wrong. Understanding is knowing that it is important to believe, no matter what 'it' is. Rising above is not pushing your belief on anyone else.

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  • rayst

    The fact that you think you're better than others proves you're not.

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  • The Title showed me how un-superior you are. You may not be inferior but you arent superior due to the fact you think a belief makes someone smarter etc.

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  • Hussainthemvp

    Yep atheists ar soooooooo not full of ego

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  • howaminotmyself

    I see the same person behind your statements as I do a religious person telling me I'm going to hell.

    Believe what you want, just don't judge me based on your assumptions of life. This question will be answered when our bodies cease to live. So enjoy life while you got it.

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  • mapleface

    This is completely normal. I think what it comes down to is critical thinking. Personally, I might not feel more intelligent than people who are religious, but I certainly think that they lack the ability to think critically. The previous santa example illustrates this well and is an appropriate analogy. The problem is that most religious people are the result of a religious upbringing and children don't have the mental capacity to think critically so they easily accept what they're told, but by the time they are older, they have been so strongly conditioned that it is simply too late for them to think differently and they pick and choose which aspects of their religion are convenient for them. Of course some people turn to religion later in life or in different ways, but that is less common. For example, imagine, as an adult, your parents telling you about a book that said all these ridiculous, contradictory things, with all these rules that dictated how you should live your life, and in general it was completely illogical. Most likely you would laugh, reject it and say something like "thanks mom and dad, but I think I'll pass," because you'd quickly realize how silly it is. And if you really thought critically, you might also wonder who made the book, created its rules, for what purpose, and who benefits from it. Anyways, the point is that I wish people thought for themselves instead of believing everything they hear (including what I have written), asked questions about why things are the way they are in this world, and in general had critical, open minds, which goes for all people, religious or not.

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  • Solophonic

    Anybody who thinks that what they believe on a subject which is purely faith based makes them better than someone else is wrong. Whether or not there is a god is felt in your heart; maybe it can be proven or disproven to yourself through experience but they wont prove anything to others. And always remember, killing isn't always done in the name of god. Stalin killed millions in the name of atheism. Not all atheists are amoral just as not all theists are moral.

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  • RevDMB

    I understand what you mean 100% and I feel the exact same way. It's nice knowing there are others out there that know the real truth.

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  • dappled

    I look at it the other way around. Only 12% of the world's population are atheist. What do 88% of people know that you and I are just not getting? Even if there is no God, if believing in something that doesn't exist makes them happier in the only life we believe they'll ever have, then aren't they the clever ones?

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    • I understand what you are saying, but If there were statistics from 200, 100 and 50 years ago you would see that the level of atheists are rising, and the way I see it pretty soon Theist will be the 12% and Atheists will be 88%

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  • Keng

    I think this is pretty normal. I share the same sentiments, except I play for the other team. I'm religious (Catholic) and I feel like every time I hear agnostics or atheists talk about how they've got the upper hand, I always feel like I've got a leg up on them, this post included. We're on the same boat, buddy.

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    • Hey thanks, I think your the first Christian who didn't say I was going to hell :D

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      • nancyvirtuoso

        It's ironic that you both think you're smarter for your beliefs, when in reality you're stupid and ignorant :].

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  • KeyboardSolo

    I feel the same. To quote Bill Maher, "Faith means making a virtue out of not thinking."

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  • FearFigment

    Have you ever considered that religionfags know they'd find truth if they searched for it, however, CHOOSE not to because, let's face it, ignorance is fucking bliss.
    Why would they want to search for info that could alter everything they've known and their futures, sure it might be there, but why search for it? It could then be said that atheists are the stupid ones for not anticipating finding a depressing truth when they searched for answers.
    But yeah I'm an atheist, just feel there's two sides to everything.

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  • LadyEliza

    You're not smarter than the average person because you're atheist. That's actually the reason I really dislike atheists: because they're just as dumb as everybody else, but they act all smug and think they're smart.

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  • raviatheist

    It's normal I guess. It's different thing that I don't think myself superior to others. Its true that sometimes they make me laugh so hard. 30 mins ago my housemate(very religious person) was telling me about some "miracles" and trust me I couldn't control my laugh. Yes, I did apologize him. Actually I felt bad about my such behavior. He already know about my beliefs but I don't know why he always keeps telling me about his religion in order to make me believe in that. He was shocked when he came to know about my beliefs for the first time. I mean I always tried not to make fun of him but today man, I couldn't stop laughing. "Miracle" he told me was utter nonsense.
    Wish you all a very happy and healthy new year. :)

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  • JiuJitsu24

    This is nonsense smh

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  • justcarrots

    well no. Im agnostic so Im even smarter than you. ;)

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  • seekingcleanfriendship


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  • seekingcleanfriendship

    Ok i did not go through and read every post. That said , everyone thinks they are making decisions smartly when they are made. Its not too common for people to say hey this is a stupid thing to do lets do it. ( although it happens)

    Thinking youre smart to choose athiesm is your choice but not everyone is going to agree with you. The important thing is to let others make the choices for what they personally believe and not push your choices on them as many do. Also having to announce the fact to get a rise out of people is just an attempt to get attention and start altercations. That would be an immature thing to do.

    Basically i am saying live and let live and whats right for you isnt rigjt for everyone.

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  • SaintPhoeniix

    Us Atheists ARE more intelligent than the average religious person. Stephen Hawking, genius and an atheist. Coincidence?

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  • Jashan666


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  • rayst

    You can't expect a religious person to give you reasonable arguments for their belief.

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  • Faceless

    Something runs this matrix. I believe my own mind does. Yours too, if you belive.

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  • KarisaDawn

    I feel bad for you. I'm Christian, and I've achieved the perspective of people who are Athiest simply are not broad minded enough to accept the idea of a superior being, maybe the contributing factor being that they are possibly too self obsessed or maybe that's just the way they were raised.
    But I don't think they are less than me in any way.
    Because no matter who we are we are all simply human beings, there isn't a way we can get any better than that.

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  • melancholybaby

    I was raised as a Christian but when I was 8 I stopped believing. Only in the last year have my parents stopped forcing me to go to church (I'm now 14). I often argue with them about their religion and point out how illogical and absurd it is, but they still keep faith. They were both raised in Irish-Catholic families and their faith is a reminder of their own parents. I think that people need something to believe in; especially in todays society. I don't call people stupid or ignorant if they have religious beliefs, I think of them as desperate or longing.

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  • ihaveapenisinmyshoe

    I don't believe in god or buddah or whatever else crap they've came up with so yeah your smarter because you don't believe in the bull shit others do... I think the only reason were here is to reproduce and half of us don't so were useless I plan on.... Sorry off topic>.< this doesn't need to get personal lmao

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    • RevDMB

      keep up the smart talk man!

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