Is it normal to feel this bad over the suicide of a stranger?

So this woman committed suicide by jumping off of an overpass. She survived the fall but then got hit by a car. I sat in traffic for about an thirty minutes and when I finally got past the scene, the body wan't covered up too well so I got a full gaze, couldn't avoid it at the speed that I had to go. She had died about 30 minutes earlier, and the scene made me cry for a while. Felt bad for the woman. I originally thought it was a guy, though. Mainly felt bad for her family.

So I was on base waiting in line for my decal and heard from the woman behind me about the "woman" that jumped off the overpass, and I immediately felt very very guilty for thinking she was a guy.
This is my regular route home from work, and my first time seeing a body in that condition. I drove home from work the next day and saw the two massive bloodstains on the road as I passed through (they were in my lane). They freaked me out hardcore.

Now I am afraid that her ghost is pissed off at me for talking about her like this and thinking she is a guy.
I also feel very guilty for it, and I feel sorry for her and her family and I can't stop thinking about it. Is it normal to be this disheartened by the suicide of a stranger, and is it normal to think that her ghost is pissed at me?

Voting Results
65% Normal
Based on 63 votes (41 yes)
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Comments ( 12 )
  • Aurora93

    It's normal. But she won't be annoyed at all, she'll just be really flattered that you care so much. :)

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    • You sure? I've really been trying to downplay how upset I am, and I haven't been able to sleep without my TV on for the past few nights because I am a bit nervous that she might come at me as a spectre. My family is into spectres so they put the thought in my head.

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      • Aurora93

        Honestly, even if ghosts did exist, she wouldn't come looking for you for something as trivial as that. She'd be off haunting the person that made her commit suicide.

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        • That's... actually a great point.

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  • XxSnowLotusxX

    yes even the sight of death or something horrible happening can lead to trauma and stress as well as shock. for example after 9/11 many people who didnt even experience it developed post traumatic stress disorder I suggest if you continue feeling this way about it see a therapist

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  • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

    it doesn't matter that it's a stranger. you saw the results of a suicide.

    it's normal to be bothered by the sight of death, especially something so graphic.

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  • mmmmffkf

    That you care so much completely overrides any negative thoughts you might have had! And it was just a mistake, so don't stress at all. You've done nothing wrong :) there's no point in worrying over things you can't change!

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  • sleepyhead

    omg u live in San Diego huh...I heard about that...and the worse thing is today a man did the same...jumped off a's sad because u think what could have been so bad that they thought this was their only option

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    • Yeah, I do. There have been a lot of instances of suicide and murder suicide lately and I live and work near the 805 and 125, both are becoming hotspots for jumpers, especially the 125 south ramp. I use them all of the time.

      Thankfully it is raining today so that blood stain should diminish.

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  • zchristian

    I dont think she would haunt you because you thought she was a man that would not be a good reason at all.

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  • ToddStellar

    I don't believe that people come back as ghosts, but lets say she did, how would she know that you thought she was a man?
    In either case, I am sorry you had to witness such a down cast act, maybe find someone in person you can talk to about it.

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    • Because I told my husband and uncle that some poor dude jumped off of an overpass. When I found out it was a woman I told my husband that I thought it was a man.

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