Is it normal to feel this obbsessed about this lifestyle ?
Sorry, no stories yet... But was first introduced to beastiality ,when on my vacation trips to Europe. At first , was not overly fond of that idea. Thought it was pretty stupid n quite sick. But the more I vacationed there, got more n more intrigued. N now, quite obsessed with the idea. I've got no experience with it at all. Just have a lot of movies of women n animals. N also had met a few people who were actually into this beastiality lifestyle, but at the time, I had no real interest. Thought it was quite perverted, lol lol lol... Go figure. N now actually interested in meeting n hearing women's stories of experience...... Would love to find a female partner to experiment with this life style. Amy women interested ? I'm in the USA. New York / New jersey area. But was actually wondering if any women or couples were actually into this sort of lifestyle ? Would love to meet / hear from any women n or couples into this. Am I crazy to actually want this ? Or is this too sick for people here in the USA ????? I never imagined I'd be into this sort of thing , in my entire life. Go figure.