Is it normal to feel this tired or am i just out of shape/old?

during the day im pretty tired. i just want to lay in bed. im always ready to sleep but i couldn't fall asleep if i tried until night. im at a healthy weight but i haven't been very active since high school. im 21 now. back in the day i could skateboard, run, play, bike, ect all day long. now i can do only one of those things for like 10 minutes and i dont have fun anymore because its harder. i still do the things but i just dont remember it feeling like this. is this normal? or am i out of shape.

i get like 6 hours of sleep a day
i spend most of my hours on my computer
i life weights 2 times a week for 30 minutes

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58% Normal
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Comments ( 4 )
  • Arm0se

    i spend most of my hours on my computer. That's why! I'm not knocking you for using the computer a bunch 'cus I do too, but if you don't practice something of course you won't be able to do it as good! That's the same with everything.

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  • toofgod

    I fuck with my cell all day and I know how you feel. I made a rule. If I JACKOFF I have to workout immediately after that say 20 pushups. Buy a pull up bar. I did

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  • fluffypinkcloud

    you sound just like me :)

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  • noid

    Maybe you need 8 hrs of sleep.

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