Is it normal to feel too nervous to use the member chat?

Every time I try to use the member chat, I go on there for a few seconds and chicken out. I don't know why, I just feel really awkward, like stepping into a room where you don't know anyone.

I'm not even very socially awkward in real life, but whenever I try to chat with the other users, my heart starts to race and I leave...I know this is kind of pathetic, but do you guys have any suggestions for getting over this irrational fear?? D: and is this even a common thing to be nervous about?

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68% Normal
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Comments ( 14 )
  • howaminotmyself

    Awe, don't be shy. Just pop your head in and take a look. Most of us are pretty friendly. And those who aren't can be easily ignored.

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    • shuggy-chan

      it to be said, that there are also a few chat users with..... abrasive personalities, that should held at an arms length

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  • DannyKanes

    Just go in and say hi, you don't have to join the conversation, just start your own :)

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  • Jeaneathean

    It's difficult to keep up with all the different people & interactions, & it does seem rather 'cliquey' in my experience.

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  • Trust me, there is no need for it, everyone is surprisingly welcoming in their own charming ways.

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  • Shrunk

    Lol I do too. And it is actually because they are so nice & cool people, I feel awkward because I'm not. I only feel ok if there is a lot of people so I can sort of hide :(

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  • Jeaneathean

    I can't get on with it either.

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  • I refuse chat. It's chaos. I've checked in a couple of times and read what others were doing

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  • I didn't know we had a chatroom until now. I will likely start going there now when I'm up late. Shows how observant I am.

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  • Holzman_67

    if in doubt, continue smiling and back slowly out of the room

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  • Rebington

    Nothing wrong with a little social anxiety, or maybe its a volume issue you find you cant keep up with all the information of the chat at once, both pretty normal, once you get used to it you'll be pretty golden, try stepping in and trying to join a conversation and just focus on that one thing, it might help. cheers

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  • laxman209

    If I'm there. You'd know there's a party going on!

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  • Shackleford96

    Most of the time (for some odd reason) I avoid it like it's the plague, but sometimes when I'm plastered I'll drop in and have a few conversations with the excellent people that frequent there :)

    If you want to be less nervous, just go there more often. If you feel like leaving, then do so. You are not obligated.

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  • Short4Words

    I still do this sometimes. I don't know how to casually bring myself into conversations so I just start one myself. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't.

    My real advice? Just do it, it's only an online chat.

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