Is it normal to feel totally lost as retirement approaches
I’ve always felt a purpose. Now with kids gone and retirement approaching I’m completely lost
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I’ve always felt a purpose. Now with kids gone and retirement approaching I’m completely lost
It probably is normal to a point. It's why it's best to keep or develope hobbies so that you'll always have things to do that you enjoy. That could be golf, model building, croquette, gardening, sewing, cycling or hiking (if your legs are up to it), playing an instrument, or joining some type of club. I don't know what kind of nestegg you have, but if can afford to, you can travel and visit places that you didn't have time to visit when you were working your career. You could also work an easy type of part time job, you'd roll in a little extra money to spend on what you enjoy spending on. That could be buying anything that you enjoy for yourself, and/or for anyone in the family. Visit with family, this is the time to try your best to make good amends with family. Even with the kids gone, couldn't you still spend time with them? And you can spend time with other family members too, like your siblings, cousins, niece, nephew, you have grandkids yet? That's a favorite for post retirement, it was for my grandparents when I was a kid, and I enjoyed being with them too. Since you're retiring, you'll have more time to visit with them and enjoy your time with them. Happy retirement.
Yeah its normal. You have spent your life working and being useful but now you feel kind if useless. If you provided well for yourself and can afford long vacations in tropical climes then go do it and enjoy. If you have not provided well for retirement then you will be living at a subsistence level. But all is not lost. There should be lots of community seniors clubs to join for activities. Sit back and enjoy not having to get up at ridiculous hours to work at a job you probably did not like. Enjoy either way.
yall gots a lifetime experience in whatever it is yall was doin
position yallself for part time side gigs and consultin