Is it normal to feel u will never marry?
Is it normal to feel that u will never get married as ur age progresses?
And noone ever proposes to it normal to feel that u must live the rest of ur life alone like a spinster?:(
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Is it normal to feel that u will never get married as ur age progresses?
And noone ever proposes to it normal to feel that u must live the rest of ur life alone like a spinster?:(
To me, marriage is an archaic institution. But I don't feel like I'll ever marry, either, simply because I'm an Aspie, and I feel my best when I'm alone.
I *MIGHT* marry someone, but she'd have to be out of this world amazing.
been married 3 times. the only thing worse than not being married is marrying the wrong one, so wait til you find them.
I used to ask myself if I would ever marry and now I am living with someone and he has not proposes yet but marriage is in our projects. I just need to complete some projects on my side and then we'll have to purchase a house and then marriage then a child. AMEN
You should not desperate.
Yes, it's normal. But I believe this is normal because I don't believe in marriage. I don't bash anybody who is married, get's married or wants to do it in the future. But I, myself, don't believe it in.
It's normal. But you can either be depressed over it for the rest of your life, or you can go out and celebrate the joys of being single.
I don't know if there's anyone in the world that will be capable of putting up with all my shit. That's my reason.
For some reason this reminded me of an episode of The Simpsons where Moe wonders if he'll ever find his soulmate, and then it shows this lady on the other side of the world that looks kind of similar to Moe in a way and she ends up hanging herself or something. It was quite humorous in a morbid sort of way.
I am not sure if I believe in marriage myself though. It just seems like it has lost so much of it's meaning, and the statistics of divorce rates and things like that are really disheartening.
I'm not sure I'll ever marry but my life would have taken a very odd turn if I ever end up a spinster. :)