Is it normal to feel uncomfortable with very progressive tumblr people

So I'm a pretty left wing guy i.e. feminist, anti-discrimination, pro-LGBTI, etc. however, sometimes when i see those condescending tumblr people throwing around sociological terms and so on and making preachy statements and videos I feel uncomfortable. I think it's because I had a friend who talked that way and she went rabid.

I dunno, but there's just something about them. Their incessant fandoms, their pomposity, talking like they think that they have everything sorted and as if they're the perfect liberals or something.

Don't get me wrong, lots of good stuff comes up out of those groups too but there's this smug arrogance to it all. I don't know, maybe I'm just looking for something to be annoyed about.

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Comments ( 10 )
  • nobody13

    Tumblr tends to be like that due to the failures of its most dedicated users to fully and clearly apprehend sociological theories. Most of these people are just young folks that don't actually know much about half the things they're talking about, but enjoy talking about these things as a way to increase their social standing amongst people of similar inclinations; the thrill of social justice to them comes not so much through the use of it towards the betterment of society, but from using ideas taken from social justice to bully others while appearing to be caring, socially-aware individuals. You'll find that their ignorance of the social sciences tends to promote a general atmosphere of moon-battiness, probably due to the fact that they know enough to rebel against their republican parents, but not enough to be level-headed and judicious in their application of some of the things they pick up.

    It's easy to be 'perfect' in your views on tumblr, because you're online and can easily craft that image behind a series of ostensibly-impassioned reblogs of black people getting beaten up by the cops (probably the same ones that some tumblr users clutch their purses around), and when somebody else on the site fucks up, it's really easy to write them off as a complete shitlord, since being on the internet makes people more inclined to see the people making these mistakes as just words on a screen instead of living, breathing, fallible humans with their own opinions and experiences.

    Of course, it's probably also the case that people who are moonbatty are already attracted to the website due to its reputation, but it's just as likely that once people of moderately left-wing sensibilities become regular users of the site, they take on some of the behaviors and ideas that the people they follow promote. Not all tumblr users are like that, necessarily (I've found some moderates that use the site), but that's just my completely unprofessional and generalized take on it.

    Now that I look back on this, I don't even know if I fully answered your question; for some reason, my mind is just all over this place right now and I feel like I'm going to post this no matter what. Sorry.

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    • CountessDouche

      Awesome comment.

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  • CountessDouche

    Normal to feel terrified of aggressive retards that probably outweigh you by 100 lbs and smell like old Doritos? Yes, normal.

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  • eatingsoapsucks

    I agree with you. I'm a very left wing person my self, and I agree with your opinions on LGBTQI, and anti-racism etc. Nonetheless, I think Tumblr is full of toxic crazy people. I sometimes use Tumblr because I can find a lot of creativity on there, but there are also radicalists who should be avoided because of their toxic mindsets.

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  • John__Cena

    Nothing good comes out of those dark dark places. Those people a freaks and they should stay in their holes because their opinions mean nothing to society.

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  • BrulkBrotheon

    Yeah I agree. As a liberal they disgust me

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  • LittleGirlBrutallyRaped

    What you said is pretty damn accurate but it seems you aren't as LEFT WING as they are. Which simply means you aren't as much of what you don't like about them as they are but doesn't necessarily mean you aren't them, just simply less Left Wing.

    What is this "good" you say that comes out of the tumblr? Not that I know but would highly suspect the majority of tumblr users watch Rachel Maddow for their news, which isn't news and has this same condescending tone you speak of.

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  • SandyGun5555

    Fuck you.

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    • CountessDouche

      You want to cut off your leg because you believe in your mind that you can win the paralympics.

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      • Steve2.0

        That guy needs to be raped. I am not a violent person and completely against sexual crime, but...he just has to be raped.

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