Is it normal to feel weird after smoking weed three days ago

Smoked weed almost two days ago... And after taking two tokes I feel slow motion and numbness in all my body parts. I feel lost and stressed out and have upcoming exams. I have tried all methods on the internet but this feeling won't stop after sleeping either. I cannot drive or even pick up objects without feeling fuzzy. When will this wear off and anything to help????

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20% Normal
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Comments ( 7 )
  • paabmeister

    maybe u had a panic attack. the feeling will go away by some time. a good thing to do is sleep well, eat and drink enough and sport. Been there (:

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  • Fetiza000

    I knew you should've listened to those cringey awareness videos about drugs.

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  • nikkiclaire

    Normal. The problem with weed is it's not dosed so you never know how strong it will be. I don't believe people lace it. It sounds like it just gave you anxiety and you're stressing out, just like the doctor said. That happens to me which is why I don't smoke or eat it.

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    • Ellenna

      Whether you believe it or not, some weed IS laced and far too much of it is grown hydroponically so therefore dosed with who knows what? Certainly not rain, sunshine & fresh air!

      Certainly it's hard to know how strong it will be, but the answer to that is to not smoke or eat huge amounts until you've assessed its strength.

      Many people do experience anxiety and even paranoia, you're definitely the only one, just as many people become aggressive and even violent on alcohol

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  • RoseIsabella

    Not normal. Also it's not normal to not have the choices for us to check.

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    • weedtraction

      just updated it, don't really get how to use this site.

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    • McBean

      Hope you're enjoying the liberal marijuana laws in your new state. Just be very discreet. That's all the cops ask.

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