Is it normal to film lovebugs mating?
I record lovebugs mating with my phone. I have some pretty graphic footage. Perhaps I should upload some of it to Youtube and add a nice soundtrack.
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I record lovebugs mating with my phone. I have some pretty graphic footage. Perhaps I should upload some of it to Youtube and add a nice soundtrack.
That sounds pretty freaking awesome. I highly advise that you do upload that to youtube. It sounds hilarious and I would love to see other people's reaction to thees videos.
you spin me right round,baby right round,like a record baby,right round round round
My lady bugs were mating! The male was on the female and started slowly moving. My friend said, "Ooo! Maybe they're mating!!"
I don't know if it's "normal" or "not normal". Normal is an objective word. It sounds really cute...I like watching bugs having sex, it's just so......awwwww! I wonder if the girl likes it?
LMAO! When animals mate it's hilarious! As long as it doesn't turn you on, I'd say it's totally normal. Now pass the popcorn, and let the laughs roll.
lol omg..that made me laugh! it's weird but funny. maybe u should you-tube it, just to see what people will say. :P
If I saw bugs mating I'd probably tape it too. Put it on Youtube and spread the love!