Is it normal to find a dictionary in my girlfriend's bed table?

We were watching Hellraiser for its classic value and she wanted me to pick a bag of the potato chips from her bed table when I came upon this discovery of a dictionary in swedish-japanese. A friend Jesus who isn't mexican lives with us and he's japanese with an american father so he speaks japanese and english instead of swedish. We spoke about learning japanese once but felt it was not yet the time as we were doing moderately in english with him despite our minimal faults from Swedish clearness. Is this her way of showing me that we have reached a point when we need to respect his heritage and name more even if he's not mexican?

How crazy did that sound! I just want to ask if we should learn it and if it may be a sign of her cheating on me with Jesus despite him not being mexican? I'm drunk and I think it's showing from this question but I understand you hope it can be answered.

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Comments ( 6 )
  • NoraBaker

    You understand correctly! I really hope it can be answered. I'm extremely interested in your case, as usual, Swedish clearness guy. Nice to see you again. *sits and waits*

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  • ignorethem

    Did somebody say something?

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  • Terence_the_viking


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  • Avant-Garde

    Ah! I see we meet again Mr. Swedish Clearness guy.

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  • VioletTrees

    Maybe she saw it on sale and thought it would be interesting. Or maybe she already had it. It's not very unusual to have a Japanese dictionary.

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    She may have just gotten it to gain a little more clarity, I doubt her attempts are that serious yet if you don't know about it. For the longest time, I had a Spanish-English dictionary with little interest in actually learning the language XD

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