Is it normal to find rape erotic?

I can't really help it.

I find rape incredibly facinating, as well as incredibly arousing. I fantasize about raping women, very often. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't picture myself forcing a woman to do something she doesn't want to do (sexually of course). My fantasies are very violent, and there are times when I wonder whether or not I'm sick or damaged in some way. It kills me that I'll never be able to truly rape a woman. Sometimes I think that all men feel the same way I do, and that all men, given the opportunity, would rape a woman. Then there are other times when I just feel like a monster.

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44% Normal
Based on 1202 votes (533 yes)
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Comments ( 107 )
  • hnbout

    Don't listen to these A$$hole$. It's normal to have fantasies. What you need to do is be aware of what is fantasy and what is real. Remember, if you REALLY commit Rape, then You'll go to REAL prison.

    However, if you find a girl to act out this FANTASY of yours, then Go For it.

    What's really going to surprise all of these idiots posting that you have an issue... well, girls have fantasies of being raped. Do some research online about it, then go out and find the girl that wants the same fantasy.

    Keep me updated.

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    • First off Id just like to say that Im unclear but hoping that rape is different to dominate.

      Some girls might have fantsys of being raped, but i think those fantasys are being mistook as rape rather then being dominated. Im a girl and Id have to say id rather be dominated and know that if I get hurt that he would stop then just having him go for it and rape me anyway. Males might have urges to take women or even men via rape, but its be batter if they find a submissive partner or a pratner that likes it rough then to rape someone. Then again, there are people out there who like to get raped, I just hope they want to be RAPED not DOMINATED, other wise itl change there life dramaticly if they act on it. And as for the guy who posted this, dont confuse wanting to rape to wanting to dominate.

      Sorry if theres any typo, trying to write this fast. And sorry if rape and dominate are the same thing. It gives me peace of mind to think that being dominated is different to being raped.

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    • unhappy

      I think its ok to have fantasies but if you think about the actual real rape performance than thats not on!! issues of sexual abuse in your past coulb be the result of these thoughts. Have a look into it

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  • RobGanja

    climbing in you windows and snatchen yo people up

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    • admirer


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  • xcloxcx

    Maybe the BDSM community may be a good place for you to indulge in your fantasy? or rape fantasy websites and erotic stories. Having rape or violent sex fantasies does not make you a monster, you are certainly not alone in this, as long as you understand that fantasy and role playong rape and real rape are two completely different things. Rape fantasies are more common then you'd think, especially in women strangely. As long as you understand that committing rape in real life is a completely evil, hurtful and very damaging act, it's ok. If you have a partner, maybe role playing could be good for you? but only if it's 100% consensual between the both of you and the rules of your roleplay are clearly outlined. However, if it's becoming less of just a fantasy and more of an obsession or something you feel you may be compelled to commit in real life i suggest you seek professional help. If not, check out BDSM and other related fetish sites and goodluck to you!

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    • RomeoDeMontague

      I was going to say something along these lines. To the OP please do not REALLY rape someone. However there is a number of people in the S&M community who enjoy pretending to be raped. Those on top of the more dominate characters and the ones on bottom or the more subordinate characters. There is others who enjoy forcing others but both parties are consenting and enjoy it. So Try finding a woman/male whatever you into that enjoys the thought of being raped. You can indulge your fantasies on them and they will enjoy it. Just make sure you both explain what is ok and not ok for the two of you. Its ok if both parties are into it. Some consider S&M to be a mental Illness but none have been able to classify it as such.

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    • derker

      no it's definitely not right, maybe you need help too.

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  • vera046

    Indeed a lot of immature comments. It's not sick, and it doesn't make you a bad person. Actually it's basic instinct.
    This doesn't mean that you should act upon it. Like others said, role-playing with a partner wouldn't be a bad idea. Maybe watching rape porn movies (not real ones)? However I do think you're obsessing a bit too much about it considiering the way you talk about it. If you can't control these urges you need to seek help, but just fantasizing is fine.

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  • AllTimeLowRox0622


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  • I have occasionally have fantasies about murdering rapists.

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    • derker


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  • Aihime

    Maybe you and your girlfriend could role play most woman adore getting taken by force by someone they fancy.

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  • psych2290

    I think its normal. Im a woman and i have a rape fetish myself, for me role playing rape with my boyfriend for me is the biggest turn on ever. As long as you keep it as a fetish and dont actively go out raping people your fine.

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  • Some girls might have fantsys of being *dominated*

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    • Zatachi-Taicho

      This is true though to because my GF does .-.

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  • knightowl

    in the bdsm culture there is the rule of thumb regarding all things of "safe, sane, and consensual" can u live by that? if not you seriously need to get up right now and find the first emergency mental health professional available. rape kills the victims in ways nothing else does.

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    • jessicia16

      very well said

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  • I also have a rape fantasy. But I obviously do not want to be legit raped.. For me its about control. I am a very dominate person and for the most part, like the position of being in control. However, I have only met a few people that can make me lose all control. Thats.. amazing to me.

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  • mmarkk

    Rape fantasy is normal. Wanting to actually rape someone us not

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  • purplemonkeys


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  • Ratso

    Spartans used to rape girls
    But it was to show they were now married

    But it is alittle strange
    But im sure u could find a partner to role play

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  • randypete

    its ok if you role play

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  • Lockets

    You should seek help about this problem before you really do do something you regret.

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  • steph19913

    Yea that's wrong to think it's horrible .. That stuff ruins a girls life.. Go see a therapist I'm sure they can help

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  • YeeP


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    • jgirl91

      You are sick. Please seek help. This is so offensive to rape survivors. It is truly a terrifying and permanently damaging experience!

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  • Ennue

    Well I find rape a very stimulating thought too, only I'd be on the other end of it (I'm a woman). I don't know if I'd ever want it to really happen to me, but I do think about it a lot. Just having someone else be in control completely... the helplessness... idk why but it sounds fun. D:

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  • badmom

    i think it is totally normal and this is the same for me i love the idea of being raped i would love to act this out the thought of being held down and brutally raped is wonderful

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  • mr.M

    this chick wanted me to role play rape with i just really raped the slut

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  • Clobby

    Rape fantasies are very common, for men AND women. There's nothing wrong with it, as long as it stays a fantasy and you play it out with a woman who is as turned on by the idea as you are.

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  • freakygirl143

    its normal im a girl and i used to be so turned on by that but honestly i think you should just roleplay with your partner and itll go away! because you dont actually want to do it that would be sick but to roleplay like that is nice.

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  • Proudfear

    we wouldnt all rape someone gven the chance, this is beyond a fetish seek help

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  • mboneninetwo

    i'm a girl and i've fantasized about being raped before. not really like kidnapped and stuff, but the thought of like, being held down and pants ripped off type thing is actually really hot to me.
    there's ways to fulfill your fantasy without actually rapping a girl

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  • Gardenia

    I think you should get help.
    I'm glad you spoke out about it, that way you can hear that this feeling is not normal.
    Please seek help, before you actually do something.

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  • redwhite

    Me & my girl do play rape she likes being pinned down and I like to force my way up her as she pretends to resist, it's fun and the only time you do is the next time not prison.

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  • randomjelly

    Yeah, that's not healthy. At all.

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  • Noobunderground2

    I guess if u do it with your wife and have a saftey word, but otherwise, oh god nooooo!

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  • miss.nikki

    yeah no matter what ppl say ITS NORMAL !! i have never done that but i have fantasized about being raped but just not in a sore way like they just fuck me nd leave just dont let ur mind get out of hand keep that mess in ur head emotionaly dont let it out phisically cause their are seriouse punishments for raping some one

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  • CountryRoads

    I don't understand this or the women who agree. How can women want to be raped? I carry a .38 special with me at all times to teach people like you a lesson if they ever tried.

    As much as you want to rape, I want to shoot testicles.

    Rape ruins lives.

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  • Role games are the best solution you can have. I bet plenty of women fantasize about being raped too (Sometimes i'd like to be held in a dark street at night and be the girl that can satisfy this random guy that want to make me his sex slave...hmmm). That being said, please don't try on any girl in the street because there is not much chance that she's going to like it. Real rapes ruin lives forever. Not just the victim's life: yours too. If you ever get caught, which happen often in rapes cases, you'll go to prison and rapists are always beaten and being raped by other convicts. you obviously don't want that. You can probably search for some special escorts that are specified in role games and that are really good at looking like a terrified poor victim.

    As long as you don't rape a girl for real, you're still okay..

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    • Jeci_Cassidy


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  • Geoff123123

    I dont think u like rape i think u just like being forced to do things sexualy

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  • Latenightbruce

    Go ahead you sick fucker because when you go to prison you will find out what rape is all about. The boys will have a party with your ass. Then you will know how your victim felt that is of course you are alive long enough to make it to prison.

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  • thanatos

    Ignore these people. If it wasn't normal, there wouldn't be porn for it.

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  • jessicia16

    when you have a girl you love and she gets raped , maybe you will reflect diferently on your desires .... and for the person that told you to go into bdsm ... well thats just the begining of being a pathetic evil twisted lonley monster ..... so dont listen to them,,, look for love instead.

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  • michelleexxx

    haha rape turns me on too. i want to watch someone get raped. mm kinky

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  • Gargoylechick

    O.O 'calls dateline NBC'

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  • icyjosh

    I Would Have To Say...Try Role-play With A Woman Who Has That Same Fantasy And is Turned on by it. Unlike Some Of These Dumb asses I Do Think Its Normal As Long As You Understand The Thin Line Between Raping Someone And Having A Fantasy.But Really Raping People Is Wrong.So Don't Go Out Raping Woman.

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  • highfallen

    I think it's normal, but you should definitely keep the line clear between the real world and fantasy world. Maybe you should check out the BDSM community?

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  • Fredtheallslayer

    Publicserviceguy is the fuc ked up person in this debate, having dreams is on thing but actually finding a real case erotic is another. But that is not the answer which you are looking for. In my opinion it's a bit odd, but I understand it, some times the idea does seem interesting when I'm termed on, but all the time. These people are a bit harsh but make sure you know how to control your emotions. (try domination with a girl it mite relive some "strain")

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  • you should go to a rape victims speaking and hear these women talk about their tramatic stories and how it has emotionally scard them and tell me that rape, fantisy or not, is okay.

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  • I am not a guy but I agree that men in their mind would like to rape a woman if they had the opportunity... after all a guy is a guy and they often think about these things .. lol

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  • saol

    finding rape erotic is entirely normal. no matter how much someone denies it, every woman has at least one rape fanasy in their life. even ill admit i find rape erotic, but dont forget rape is either underaged sex, or to have sex with someone unwilling or vice versa. which causes a bad experience and can damage you in more then one way. most of the time women fantasize about rape because they want the pleasurable feeling of sex. willing or not. just make sure those feelings dont turn into actions! although, BDSM (roleplaying) is different.

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  • fidale

    ya bud you need to get now!

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  • LeinaBxtchh

    get help.

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  • PublicServiceGuy

    It's perfectly normal. I remember one time I was called to do jury duty for a rape case and during the proceeding I got an erection. Difficult to masturbate in the middle of court but I managed to do it. Rape is perfectly fine, dolphins do it.



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  • CatEyez6

    This sounds like more then just a rape fantasy. The last part of your story really bothered me, the whole "I think that all men feel the same way I do, and that all men, given the opportunity, would rape a woman." It seems your rape fantasy has become something more to you then just a fantasy. You sound like you want it to be real and if you do find your urges to become to strong then I do suggest you find someone to help you figure out what's going on.

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  • Punkfunk

    As a male I find it interesting, not that I would ever think about hurting another human being like that. That would be so selfish! I would actually want to be the one being raped, I know it sounds weird for a guy. But like taken advantage of or having my seed "stolen" from me. Or even tied up and being "raped" by a couple hot foreign chicks that don't speak English. Maybe I should post a IIN for this...

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  • Blowjobqueen

    Maybe the fantacys are normalbut it turning you on is not and should not be normal. Rape is wrong, there is nothing good about it. You should seek help or role play but DO NOT rape women. I find it sick and the men who do it should be brutaly killed.

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  • marianoisawesome

    im begginnign to wonder that this is a 4 year old trying to act cool.... way to go!

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  • RaviBlades

    Hes pretty much saying he WOULD rape if he thought he could get away with it. So NO it is NOT normal at ALL. You need help.........lots of it.......Or maybe well all just wait and laugh when you end up in prison.....

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  • t99206

    u sound normal to me LOL

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  • Treynine

    Didn't I see you on that show "to catch a predator"? Yeah I did! Your that guy who talked about forcing women to do sexually explicit things! Oh snaps they let you out early then huh!

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  • Sodapopgal22

    WOW! Okay then, you my friend have some MAJOR ISSUESS! DUDE! You wanting to rape someone? That's mean,cold, disgusting, stupid, and dumb! HELLO?! Don't you know that people everyday get arrested for raping or kidnaping people! COME ON! You don't want to go to jail, do you? I know I wouldn't and the people on the comment board wouldn't either! So think smart, get help, and be happy with life, don't ruin it by doing dumb things like raping woman! It's not right and you know it!




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  • th33INSAN33

    I'm a girl, but I feel the same way with rape. Only, I don't daydream about it. It just fascinates me for some reason.

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  • MasonXy

    My friend, don't worry about it. The simple fact that it bothers you enough to seek outside opinion shows that you have a conscience. I fantasize about raping women all the time, but I would never do it, it is that simple. You see, in the fantasy everything is the way you like it, but if you really stop and think what happens during rape, and pair that with aftermath of rape victims and their families suffering. Maybe she'll commit suicide, and leave her 2-year old parent less, and her mother will be crushed. Or maybe she will be miserable and on meds for the rest of her life. Maybe she'll denounce her faith in God because what God would let someone do that to her?

    Got the wheels going a bit for you now? Never really played the tape out like that after a fantasy, right? If it does make you feel ashamed, then that is a good thing, because the only thing preventing every guy from raping every girl is our frontal lobe mechanism of restraint. Most sociopaths do not have this feature, and other people suffering at their hands means nothing.

    It is not in our genes to want to fuck only women who want it in the first place. Watch wild animals, Chimps, Elephants, you name it, they stick their tree trunk in anything with a hole in it. If the lion wants some ass, he goes and takes it. He'll reward himself with a nap, but we'll get thrown in prison for life. Seems ass backwards right? Well, that is our cultural progress, where most of us want to be safe and our families safe as well. Laws are needed to make that a reality, but the law of the court is not the same as the law of the jungle. BUT, it USED to be that way, when we were Geico cavemen. Obviously, early humans figured out pretty quickly that random men raping their women is a bit counter-productive for the clan's cohesiveness. So, we outlawed it, but that is only habitual and intellectual, our primal urge remained, and you are seeing it rear it's ugly head your way. That's all.

    In your fantasy, once you orgasm, the fantasy is over and it is like it never happened. Of course, real life rapes don't end there, in fact it is the beginning for the victim and her ruined sense of trust, safety, and overall well-being, and gut wrenching fear.

    As long as it stays a fantasy, then you are fine.

    do some studying of John DOuglas and Roy Hazelwood

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  • TornApart

    I have been reading through this site in search of answers for myself in this area. I am surprised by the different levels of responses to these types of questions. First off, I am a young Christian woman. I thought the point of this site was to be able to ask questions without the harsh judgement of others. After all, you were asking if it was normal. You weren't asking for people to mistaken your intention and then completely go off on you. I am sorry that some responded that way. Secondly, I am trying to find a way to heal from these types of thoughts and fantasies. I was brutally abused and violently raped for many years by my ex. I never enjoyed it and pretty much wanted to die during that time period. However, as part of the aftermath of that ordeal - I am now quite heavily turned on by thoughts and fantasies of violent sex and actual rape. My body had been rewired during that time to physically respond to violence. My fantasies include choking, forceful restraint, use of obejcts, degrading, hitting and even to the point of death all while being raped. I don't consider this healthy at all and for the most part would like to stop being turned on by these things. However, another part of me loves the pleasure that it brings and doesn't ever want to stop. Since I'm not male, it is more difficult for me to answer your question. But, I tend to believe that deeper issues are at play when these kinds of fantasies are favorable. Furthermore, violent porn can also aid in rewiring the body to respond to such acts since pleasure chemicals are being released in the brain during such activity.

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  • normalgirlisnormal

    OMG... you're my perfect man!
    just reading this and i got really turned on!!

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  • DenverWagner

    I'm gay and I'm aroused by gay rape porn. Not really rape, of course, because even in the most extreme porns the raped guy has a hard-on. The idea is that he's actually liking it and so on. You see a similar argument with women. Guys being raped with a soft cock is a turn-off.

    But somehow I think a man wanting to rape a woman is sick. And the argument that she really likes is vomit-inducing. I don't know the reason for the double standard. I guess the sexual difference between man and woman just makes it cross the wrong line. Between two guys it's less demeaning.

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  • admirer

    It's normal.
    Just be careful. A few people have already mentioned the importance of knowing the difference between reality & fantasies, so I won't get into that but hey; I fantasize about being raped all the time, it's no big deal.

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  • thesomewherekid

    Just remember guy, rape is for losers who cant get it in.

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  • OddBallBrat

    Take me!

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  • sheep21

    Don't worry about it. It's just a fantasy. I'm a girl and I'm into rape fantasy. Just because I fantasize about it does not mean I want it to happen to me nor do I feel excited when hearing stories of rape victims. Fantasies are just like movies that we play out in our head sometimes to make us feel like we're the main character in the middle of something dark yet powerful. That fact that you feel a sense of anguish over it just goes to show that you like the fantasy and not the act of rape. As long as you don't go raping anyone you are OK in my book. Best regards.

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  • HecateAlVanne

    I can see where your coming from. Rape is a bad thing yet there are some of us who like the idea. For me though its the thought of being raped. Im a stubborn girl and would say no, but can imagine just being thrown against the wall and raped. A Bit odd but meh.

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  • GalacticDestroyer

    It's perfectly fine as long as you don't actually rape a woman. Just hook up with a girl who's into that stuff & you'll be fine. I myself have a fantasy of being molested by a woman.

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  • hyperborean

    It's normal. Probably most guys who claim that they don't want to rape are lying. It's not worth 15 years in jail though.

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  • Enizzle

    Lotta Jesus-lovin', god-fearin' red-blooded amurican virgins up in here...

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  • andrian007

    Dude, you can always role-play with your girlfriend/wife/mistress, right? Or pay a hooker to role-play with you. Problem solved!

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  • cutemamapanda

    The fantasy of rape is very appealing to many people, myself included. I too think that role playing is a VERY good idea. It might help you to release some of those feelings and get a sense of relief. My boyfriend and I do this a lot, but we know the boundries. It can get very real at times. Try it. Maybe even with someone that you barley know. That may make it more real for you. Just make sure that you stick to the boundries!!!!

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  • Jimbininni

    Don't think about it as rape when u fantasize think about it as being dominant in a sexual intercourse thinking about being dominant will help u to get out of thinking rape because the more u think about it it's goin to make u think even more and maybe possibly doing it and I know u don't wanna rape someone my friend had these fantasies about having sex with younger girls and he said he didn't think of it that way he thought of him having sex with some1 who looked young but was his age so remember think of it as being dominant with a partner and role play As every1 else has been saying role play is a good thing to do

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  • rugbytiger2004

    Everyone posting is repeating the same thing.

    Rape fantasy good...

    Rape for real bad...

    As long as you stick to the fantasy option your good and find a women that enjoys that. It seems like most women on this post are spilt, but thats what makes us all unique. Were allowed to make a choice to par take in a fantasy or not. If you choose not to, you have no reason to call it sick, its just not for you. I always laugh at how narrow-minded people are, its 2010 people! Everyone has a right to an opinion, but like any good debate you have to look at both sides and most people don't. They just throw out uneducated please when your giving your opinion take a moment to really think about what your saying, cause you might look moronic.

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  • bises

    rape is all about power. maybe that's what you need; some form to exercise your power. but by linking it to sex, aka RAPE, you're sounding like a total monster. get some help before you do something you'll regret. would you like it if a man just like you forced his way on you without you wanting to? seriously get yourself a hobby, try to find a stimulating job or business. get help

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  • RainbowGirl91

    I think the question is do you think about rape and get turned on by the fear the woman has of her raper. The pain and the hurt that the rape is causing? Or do you get turned on by being able to control the situation, being aggressive and being ableto do what you want to the woman? If its the first one not normal get help and if its the 2nd one definately normal go find a girl who loves be dominated. Shouldnt be too hard alot do

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  • kdasilva

    You like to dominate: sex, work, friendships, cooking, and everything. Does control give you confidence. If so, then you need to let go. Wanting to have constant control will eventually peace you with no control over anything but yourself. People don't like to hang out with selfish, controlling people. Control is selfishly motivated and is greedy.

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  • blah4567

    i think its normal. I always fantasise about strange situation, me raping someone, a girl raping me, bondage, even monster sex lololol. But as long as you KNOW you cant do it in real life and you never will thats fine. If you ever even considered actually doing it youve gone too far.

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  • redwhite


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  • nk4real

    TO ME its not normal at all, it means you hate the girl, it doesn't show love, and also it causes erotic trauma and damages girl's life.

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  • nanimeow

    As long as you really wouldn't do it, I wouldn't worry. Everyone has a skeleton in their closet. Fantasies are just acting nerons. No one gets hurt.

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  • mimi26499

    Just accept it for what it is and leave it at that. If you enjoy thinking about it then just indulge in the thought alone. I thinking suppressing the thought and feeling so monstrous about it will just make you obsess over it more. And don't ever really do it..ALWAYS remember it is so unfair that for a few minutes of ur pleasure first you would end up ruining someones life forever. Plus it is guilt you will always have to live with as well. So just fantazise and roleplay...

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  • Xcloxcx is right. I think that it is a bit... creepy, but you seem to be stopping yourself. Get some help. I'm not saying that you are alone in this, though, because I'm sure many other men feel like that... But like xcloxcx said, maybe the S and M community is for you. Are there any BDSM clubs in your area? You can have supervised roleplay scenes, so that if you got carried away, there would be people there to stop you. But I stick to my original argument, this isn't really normal. It is in a sense, meaning that many men probably feel it, but it shouldn't be happening. It traumatize's women all over the world- Get help before you do something that, after you are in jail(because thats what will happen) you will regret.

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  • SoccerMom

    This is sick.... definitely not normal. Please talk to a professional.

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  • DarkCorner_Guy

    hum... I think its wrong but.... I kind of have the same fantasy but the other way around. XD donno y but i would love to get raped(but only by a guy/girl i like)

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  • xavierred

    I think you should talk to someone because if you rape somebody you could go to jail.

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  • dnt do it ..juss keep ur fantasiez as ur fantasies and control your mind...maybe getting a girlfriend will help that..if not u will end up gettin shot up for raping someomes family member or life in jail or a mental instistution..

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  • Jeci_Cassidy

    You don't know what some women go through after they are raped. It destroys everything about them. I understand a fantasy but when you said it kills you not be be able to rape a woman changes it. What if it where you mother or your sister that was raped? wouldn't be so fun then would it? Go ahead and do it, The boys in prison are going to get that ass and then it won't be so fun will it?

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  • saol

    woman AND man. sorry

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  • cwilliams109

    Normal to have fantasies. And I agree with ashyy comment.

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  • Lunabelle

    u need a hug from your parents. maybe they did not love you enough. ure a sad case

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  • chicabonita

    No no no no! Rape is horrible! It degrades women of EVERYTHiING! And even men! It takes away your right to freedom personal space people forcing themselves onto you putting themselves inside you is worse than death in my opinion! People should be put to death for rape! Get help! Rape isn't araousing! It is sick sad and unfirtunatly will happen to almost 1 out of 10 women in some way! Get help sicko!

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  • prayerwarrior75

    You might want to have yourself locked away on an island somewhere!

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  • gako

    Wow your a fucking sicko In the brain and need serious help. I hope you end up being in jail for attempted rape. Than the jokes on you!

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  • Elegy

    OMG thats the way I always think and want.I ask my bf to treat me violently but he doesnt.I wish my bf was like u

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  • dummyme74

    I think is normal

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  • beaverbutt123

    I think its normal I feel the same way

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  • alv1592

    no that is not normal. you're a sick freak.

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  • Sicko

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