Is it normal to find some truth to astrology?

It is strange I have a problem with Capicorns. I get along fine as long as they do not get to close for comfort. My mom is a capicorn and we have a good relationship as long as we are not living under the same roof. My son is a capicorn and at times you can cut the tension with a knife, much like when my mother and I lived in the same home. I just don't know what it is. My ex is a capicorn and everything is ok until we lived together. For some reason I think in general they are just not optimistic or something. Like my Mom when she lived with me and I would cook something or do anything her idea of a complement would be "this is ok" and I would wat to scream OK when can anything be at least good or great. I just think they complain alot. They never have a happy cheery personality. Like the ex "I am just not someone that is giggley and happy and smiley all the time " "I can't help that" . It just seems being in the company of this personality trait drains me so much. I am very much in tune with the vibe around me and if it is complaining all the time or never positive it really does rub off on me bad. I tend to find this personality type in all capicorns I know and can only tolorate is small doses.

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41% Normal
Based on 44 votes (18 yes)
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Comments ( 41 )
  • disthing

    Astrology is an example of humans seeing patterns where there are none. It's natural, but usually in these cases rationality and evidence will push that instinct in the opposite direction and we'll realise it was self-deception and imagination.

    Some people maintain that the pattern is real, and that's their prerogative.

    I'd much rather not prejudge a person based solely on the day they came out of their mothers. Allow people to express their own unique characteristics, instead of relying on these prescribed, baseless notions to assess personality and compatibility before they have a chance to prove you wrong.

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    • Aquarians, it's said they can be either genius or insane.

      More Aquarians in mental hospitals than any other sign.

      More Aquarians in the hall of fame than any other sign.


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      • disthing

        Which Hall of Fame?

        Which mental hospitals?

        All of them? Over the entire world? Did somebody do that research? Considering most mental institutions have private records I find that hard to believe.

        I can't tell if you're being facetious :/

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        • American study.

          Google it, It is said that 82 percent of the people in the Ameri­can Hall of Fame are Aquarians.

          I also know a girl who can guess people's signs just by talking to them, gets it right almost everytime. I don't really believe in astrology, but I sure as shit can't explain that. And logic dictates that one couldn't "blind guess" correctly so often.

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          • disthing

            I did Google it and couldn't find the relevant study :/ Link?

            Well Derren Brown, famous British illusionist, can also guess people's star signs, careers, thoughts, dead relatives, names etc. all by talking to them. He has performed various shows demonstrating cold reading and does it exceptionally well - but always reminds people that it's simply a trick. Nothing supernatural or other-worldly.

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            • Yes but I'm sure you found it mentioned in various articles, so it must have been done, otherwise there wouldn't be this recurring figure.

              Oh yeah I know about cold reading it's very slick indeed, I mentioned her because she doesn't ask specific questions for responses, she doesn't have to ask any questions.

              She can guess through a persons behaviour, it's really weird. She heard me talking, nothing remotely about my birth date, and guessed correctly.

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      • 1000yrVampireKing

        Some geniuses are insane.

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      • BLAh81


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        • ErrrrERRR?

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    • 1000yrVampireKing

      I agree with this but think they are still fun to read. I do not think something like the stars can predict the future. In fact I don't think anyone can predict the future as no one has seemed to be successful in predicting our apocalypse.

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  • A broken clock is right once every 12 hours :)

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  • paradox90

    It is, unfortunately. Astrology is not teached in any university, because it just plays with aleatorial coincidences, it speculates. It says nothing about us: our nature is determined wholly by the environment we grow up in: this includes our country, our family, our friends, etc.
    I mean I'm a Pisces, but I know other Pisces that are NOTHING AT ALL like me... no sense...

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  • Anime7

    I do believe that Capricorn's aren't everybody's cup of tea, and this is coming from one. I do think though that there is some truth in astrology. I think you're normal.

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    Sure, they write those things with just enough commonality in them that nearly anyone can see themselves. They're actually a primitive personality theory, so why don't you study psychology.

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  • NotStrangeBird

    What a load of horseshit. Yes I am cynical. Guess my sign and win a prize!!!

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  • shade_ilmaendu

    I'm a Capricorn who feels more Aquarius. :( I'm a freak. ;-;

    Hahaha seriously though, I've never felt a particular connection to my star sign. The earth element part I can dig, I do love nature. But I'm not really ambitions, I just wanna be happy. I'm practical to a point, I try to be responsible but I like to be ridiculous and have fun, I'm definitely not strict. :P I have a bit of a problem with worrying but I feel like I take after my mom in that regard... I was around it growing up and kinda adopted the same patterns. I don't do shit like that much anymore though, anyone who's been on this site and knows me knows I've been through some shit that I've been spending the last few years of my life overcoming.

    Aaaand I'm rambling. Shade is sick and stoned. Shade should shut up. Ah, alliteration.

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  • iheartu2013

    I am a Leo. Leo 's are supposed to be more popular and extroverts. I am a introvertand have only had one friend, ever...she moved. I identify more with the Virgo sign. I am also the snake in the Chinese zodiac, I don't really identify much with ray either. So I am a freak too. All the other people in my family act a lot like their signs.

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  • Ldizzy1234

    We're not just our sun sign though. Take into account the moon sign, ascendant sign, and even the mars and venus signs. Actually, sometimes we're more like our moon sign than our actual sun sign.

    I sometimes like to do my research on astrology, but am not sure whether I completely believe it or not. But so far... it hasn't been wrong as much as its been right with myself and a lot of other people.

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  • howaminotmyself

    Capricorns are the father figure archetype. They can be cold and strict. They are typically rule setters and task masters, think school headmaster/dean or principal.

    What's your sign? Their opposite is Cancer, the typical mother figure. They can clash at times as they approach the world differently. But they can also conflict with air signs (libra, gemini, aquarius) as they tend to be less grounded than the goat.

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