Is it normal to find this annoying and rude?

So I have got to ask, I have vented about this in the chat room long enough and I need a solid opinion about... the Cunt. For the sake of the story, she will be the Cunt.

Every day in Math class, she sits in front of me. I use my laptop in Math class to do my homework IN class (which helps me out a lot) and I can only sit in that particular part of the room as I need an outlet.

The cunt will sit in front of me every day and try to look over my screen and ask "What are you doing?" while trying to look over my screen. "Let me see! What are you doing? Who are you typing to? What are you typing? Gosh, you sure type fast!". If I am on my cell phone "Who are you texting? Wow that's a long text, what are you saying?" while looking at my cell phone.

Throughout class she will make subtle attempts at conversation while I am busy on my laptop. "I'm so bored, I wish I had a laptop but my parents can't afford one =/". (Yes, while the Professor is talking) Every now and then she will try to look over again and figure out what I am doing. The other day she got me booted to the back. The Professor has a rule which we must follow: someone with a laptop can't be in front of someone without to prevent from distracting them.

Cunt one day says "I'm going to sit behind you so I can watch what you're doing, k?" (ARE YOU SERIOUS?) and the Professor tells me that I am distracting people (HER, HE MEANT HER) and that I needed to sit behind her. Yeah.

There are blinds that cover windows that overlook the class next to us and she opens those and occasionally looks at the class next to us and watches them. I don't know why that annoys me but... it does.

If she hears me opening a package for food, whether it be chips or anything, or she sees the package, she will start begging for food "I'm so hungry :(, can I have some? Can I have a piece? Just a little bit?". If her friend, let's call him, Dick, hears it, he will turn around and exclaim (yes, even as the Professor is teaching) "FOOD! Gimme some!".

Dick also has the same exact tendencies as Cunt, however, he moved to another row so I don't have to hear it as often.

When I am in the student center and buy myself a meal, she will try to beg that off of me as well and talk about "Omg I'm such a terrible mooch" like acknowledging it makes it any less annoying. With all of the excuses she gives, I am tempted to offer her a ride to the food bank.

So tell me, is it normal to find this annoying?

Voting Results
86% Normal
Based on 22 votes (19 yes)
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Comments ( 25 )
  • GuessWho

    'Cunt' likes you and seeks your attention. She seems like the typical "attention whore".

    You have two options:
    1. Give in and give her some attention.
    2. Tell her that you find her annoying and would rather she behave like a normal person or stay away from you.

    ...or even better...
    3. Train her: Option 2, followed by Option 1 - reward her with attention only when she behaves in a satisfactory manner.

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    • NeuroNeptunian

      The Sheldon Cooper version of Pavlov's Dog?

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      • GuessWho

        Probably, I wouldn't know.

        It's basically an attempt to subconsciously condition her to not be annoying because she can only get what she wants when she's not annoying.

        If successful, her natural state will no longer be annoying whether she gets attention or not.

        The only issue is that it will take some time to implement; she won't stop being annoying overnight.

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  • Stop your damned complaining, Sara.

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    • NeuroNeptunian

      I wouldn't be complaining if you'd hurry up and make my cum already, now roll me over and suck my cock like I've been asking for the past 10 minutes!!!

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      • Yes, master.

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  • yesnomaybeso

    I liked that post. The way you wrote it. It was funny. And yeah this girl is annoying lol.

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  • SangoNyappy

    For some reason I find this really funny so I can't help you but I can laugh. You're welcome.

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  • Darkoil

    Why do you call your maths teacher a professor?

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    • NeuroNeptunian

      Because he is a Professor?

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      • Darkoil


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        • NeuroNeptunian

          No, he is actually a Professor.
          I am the OP and I am in college, my Math Professor is a Professor.

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          • Darkoil

            When you say college are you talking about what I would refer to as university? That sounds like a slack setup. What kind of professor lets you do homework in class, eat, look out of the window and talk? I'd be asking to see his credentials if I were you. He's probably just on a power trip. I've been through school, college and two degrees and I've never even met a professor.

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            • NeuroNeptunian

              It's a Junior College although depending on the University, the University would not be that much different. Some Universities have really strict rules, some don't, all depends on the Professor and the general atmosphere.

              If you live in the United Kingdom (which I am assuming you do) Professor means something entirely different there than it does here. Here in the US, "Professor" is what we call teachers at the colleges.

              I don't understand why you'd say he's on a power trip though, he has a right to have rules in his classroom but hell, I don't know. I have had some pretty weird Professors.

              Although I would like to point out that he doesn't exactly ALLOW talking and looking through the window however, she does it anyway. She sits out of his general visual range. And he teaches from the homework problems. Like, they are on display in a projector and he uses the homework software as a tool to teach us. I can follow him on my own homework software.

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  • Sounds like you have feelings for her

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    • NeuroNeptunian


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      • Explain it to her. Be clear

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  • sweet talker

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  • charli.m

    It used to piss me off when people would come into lectures and play on their phones and not listen :-S But that's just me.

    I don't think you're being distracting, if you attempt to sit at the back, like you say you do. I don't see wtf this girls problem is. Tell her you're trying to listen to the professor, and maybe she should too, as she can't mooch her way into a fucking degree.

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  • Short4Words

    Whaaaat. But I thought you were a girlll.

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  • Justsomejerk

    Your life sucks. I'm not one to advocate suicide but I see no other option.

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