Is it normal to find this annoying and unhelpful
Please picture this. It's 7 am, you're sleeping off a hangover, when the doorbell rings. You get up and out of bed, only to answer to a middle aged lady you don't know. She asks you if you have heard the wonders of our dear god. She doesn't give you time to answer. Next thing you know she is all over you talking about christianity, and god, and the bible, and everything near religion. You politely tell her you don't have time for it. She then proceeds to ask you to give her "a bible lecture for the day for the rest to read". I don't have any bible sections bookmarked or whatever she may think, I don't read the bible, I'm not even a Christian. I tell her I have no clue and that I really don't have the time. She mumbles "you don't have the time, or you don't have the disposition huh". Then she acts like nothing and goes on talking about how much she would like to see me another day to keep telling me about our dear lord. At that point I'm furious (also please take in consideration that I don't wake up with the best mood, let alone patience), so I just close the door and go back to bed. I'm just trying to make a point here. People who do this are only making religion annoying. It's obvious that if I don't care for religion, a random stranger isn't gonna magically convert me. I think they're only making things worse. After episodes like this I feel even better not being into religion. Don't you think it's useless?