Is it normal to find tuition costs a non-issue?
I've been taking online college courses through a fully online school. Taking those courses I really don't understand why most people going to college would want to go to a physical school. Online courses I feel like are just way more flexible and are inherently cheaper. I'll only have to pay about $8,000 total for my associates whereas a public college program could be twice that amount.
College in general is not as important towards getting most jobs anymore anyways. There are sooooo many certifications, trade, vocational schools, apprentships, etc. that are vastly cheaper forms of education than college and arguably better. There are still some things that require college education, I understand, but people choose to not do research or get pressured into then complain that their tuition is really high when they choose to go to their big private state university that probably is spending over half their annual tuition subsidizing their athletics department or maintaining onsite facilities that are generally not necessary for education.
I've had people tell me they wanted to go to specific schools for the expressed purpose of that school being a party school or they look at all the extra curricular facilities like pools and fancy dining halls with expensive school food and I'm just baffled. College is a relatively small portion of your life why choose to put yourself into debt over it no reason?
Don't even get me started on people choosing to take degrees that aren't even useful.