Is it normal to find young pregnant women annoying/bad?

First off, I don't hate pregnant women or kids. I'm all happy for people who are prepared for kids to have them. The number of teen girls and young mothers just bother me so much. I know there's accidents, but I swear either there needs to be a condom and birth control recall if they fail. I also feel like they think it's okay for them to get pregnant just because it's very usual. I can't tell you how many girls from my school got pregnant, has more than one child, and been through 10 different boyfriends because of this. I'm Pro-Choice and all for people choosing what they want, but I always wonder why these girls want to raise a baby into such bad situations. Most of them seem to not give a shit that they don't have jobs, party, and fuck around with guys because the father left. I'm not judging or generalizing all young mothers, I just don't like when most of them don't care about the baby's life after it's born.

I also hate when they have to post thousands of pictures and statuses about their business and every move the baby makes. It's cute the first few months, but after a while, I'm sick of seeing all the updates on Facebook about everything in their lives.

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76% Normal
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Comments ( 20 )
  • x1frosty16

    delete them from facebook then you dont have to look at it lol

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  • americanhoney

    I judge them, harshly, and do not give a shit that I do.
    Teens having babies is disgusting, period.

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    I'm not even a Mother nor have I ever been pregnant, but the thought of getting an abortion - letting some doctor in a white coat give me some pills to just make my child, my CHILD, go away, or worse, taking a vacuum and sucking my little boy or girl out of my body - it's terrifying. Some women have that it's-just-a mentality (it's just a bunch of cells, it's just an embryo), but a lot of women simply can't see their pregnancy as anything other than their carrying their son or daughter in their womb. You can't fault them for that.

    A lot of women have false ideas about the cost of a baby, but that doesn't make them bad parents. While I agree that it's become too "ok" for younger girls to get pregnant (and at the same time, it's not, I've seen the way many of them are treated), I feel worse for the kids if those women don't step up when the going gets tough. Many do, but many stay their age even after giving birth. You can't expect a 16 year old girl to act like a full, grown Mother, a teen is still a teen often times. That's one of the biggest problems with teen parents, they are still just teens (although I know plenty of adult parents that never mentally made it past 16 either XD).

    I typically don't advocate having kids unless you feel you're ready to provide them with a loving home, food and clothing, but sometimes accidents happen and I admire women that can stand up and take care of business. I don't have a problem with women getting excited over the birth of their child. It's a big thing! A big life change! It's beautiful and exciting! Please though, just, just for fuck's sake... quit doing the sexy belly shot poses...

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  • 1000yrVampireKing

    I agree with you. Why I honestly think people should wait till at least age 18. Since everyone can work full time at this age. That or wait till you have a job to support multiple people. A lot of women do not think "I might get pregnant". All they think about is "My boyfriend wants it so I will do it". Some how teens have this misconception that love and sex are the same thing. This is simply not the case. I really am very irritated by these children. I am to the point I think we should just beat them senseless. They are completely moronic. I also wish schools would explain this to kids before they start shooting it off. Those rounds are not blanks. You can have a baby. This goes for men as well and they will be sure to bitch and moan when they are stuck with that kid. Since they so stupidly fucked anything with two legs. Why I hate teenagers in general. I know you have insane hormones but is it to much to ask for a little self control? I mean you are not 5. You should know better for fuck sake. You can choose to go against your parents wishes. Now why can you choose to not whore out your body at 11? You can go against your peers. No one of any age has any excuse for this type of behavior. It is just a stupid child that did not feel like listening. Great job rebelling when you baby you cant take care of. You are an example for us all, worthless sluts.

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  • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress


    1) either there needs to be a condom and birth control recall if they fail
    Except failure isn't always the fault of the tool but how it's used. even adults in secure relationships sometimes fuck up with their condoms or forget to take their pills.

    2) I also hate when they have to post thousands of pictures and statuses about their business and every move the baby makes.
    Then don't read their updates? It's their FB account, not yours.

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    • OddballGirl

      What about the fact that they put all this shit over Facebook, then whine and complain when people are talking about their business.

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      • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

        Well if they whine about what YOU post then tell them to STFU. Your own FB is your business and none of theirs. Even if they get butthurt over what they read.

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  • Kaory182

    I am with you on that. It makes me furious that young women aren't protecting themselves and bringing a child to suffer. My little cousin gave birth at age of 14. You think that this time she learned her lesson, hell no she didn't. She gave birth to her second baby this month and she's only 16. It's freaking ridiculous. I seriously want to ask her what the fuck happen this time. Wait for her to say some dumb ass execuse and slap her.
    She doesn't have an education yet and no job to make matters worst and the baby daddy doesn't have a job.

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    • OddballGirl

      It's pretty usual for pregnant teens to get pregnant again, because you'd think they would've learned from the first time around.

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  • CraneyCrow

    What these young women don't realize is that the people who find them most annoying and "bad" are young men. If any of these teens or other women who get pregnant out of wedlock could hear young men talking about them, they'd either start using birth control or keeping their legs together.

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    • Energy

      They shouldn't give a fuck what "young men" think about it though.

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      • CraneyCrow

        If they weren't boy- or man-crazy, they wouldn't be pregnant in the first place, so it matters a whole hell of a lot what young men think of them!

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        • Energy

          Not really. They obviously don't care. And just do as they please. They dont want guys for love.. They want them just for sex -_-

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  • lmh

    I find man-whores annoying/bad too just saying, there's more to blame than the woman... But that's just me...

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  • 1000yrVampireKing

    Along with this imagine what messed up a women gets when she is pregnant. Add that to puberty during your teen years? Along with the fact the child has not properly figured out how to deal with emotions. The fact the child may not be able to conceive a child. The loss of a child and the trauma of a stillborn. If you get an abortion the trauma that creates in many women. The fact that boy of yours might hit the streets when he finds out. Along with the fact children are so sensitive to relationships at this age. That is one fucked future for this child. Yet these people still choose to get pregnant. Not to mention when you ruin your future the rest of us pay for it. This is the most selfish thing in the world!

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  • bambam11

    Three of my friends have been pregnant they are all 16 and I live in a small town there is only like 400 people at my school the friends that got pregnant I no longer speak to because for some reason it makes me so angry especially because I know one of them doesn't have the resources to take care of a baby it makes so mad that that baby will have an underprivileged life because it's mother was so immature. So yes it is normal cause lots of people have this kind of view about the issue

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  • DudeUrFuglyXox

    it should be easier to get contraceptives,it was really difficult for me to get the pill i had to go to about 6 different places and my doctor was so unhelpful she didnt have a clue what she was talking about, then they all wonder why teen pregnancy is so common, maybe if they gave help to young girls who are seekinghelp and trying to be responsible then it wouldnt be so common and condoms dont always work

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    • OddballGirl

      Mainly because condoms aren't used properly, or told how to use them. They can break if they've been in heat, glove boxes, and wallets. No one can be taught anything about sex education, because sex education is outlawed. We really do need it, because this crappy "abstinence" talk in school. Oh and I agree about the birth control. It does seem hard to get for some people, and it's sad when they've talked MANY times about making abortion illegal.

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  • FocoUS

    I think teen pregnancy is get glamorized nowadays and it pisses me off. I mean what the fuck is up with tv shows like teen mom?

    I mean I don't want to demonize pregnant teens. I'm sure it a tough thing to deal with at young age, and I'd prefer parents support their daughters instead of kicking them out of the house but I sure as hell don't GLORIFY teen pregnancy.

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    • Terence_the_viking

      Yeah it bloody is you got that MTV show you know the young mums or something?

      I wanna get pregnant so i can go on tv.

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