Is it normal to flush toilet with your feet?

I tend to flush the toilet with my feet because i dont want to touch the handle :]

Voting Results
79% Normal
Based on 73 votes (58 yes)
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Comments ( 24 )
  • anti-hero

    Yes in public bathrooms.

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    • iEatZombies_

      I do that, too.

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  • DaemonWolf

    Using your iPhone to control the toilet; lifting/lowering the seat, flushing..

    Want to take a dump? There's an app for that!

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  • Anime7

    I usually put the seat down with my feet, along with flushing. I only do it on occasions, especially if the bathroom is really dirty.

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  • Allistalla

    Duh , you dont want to toach that filthy filthy bathroom .

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  • sperry80

    First time I saw someone do it in the next stall, I thought, oh how rude. Then I started doing it too because who knows whose shoe was on there before you came in. It is also good to avoid touching whatever possible while in a public restroom. So I pretty much think it is a win-win situation.

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  • sassafrassi

    In public bathrooms I do. Although some of them have the automatic flush.

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  • GoraIntoDesiGals

    A toilet that cleans itself and wipes your ass actually exists. At least for females... It's called a human toilet. GOogle it ;-)

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  • emilydoll

    In public bathroom I always do this

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  • Ldizzy1234

    Yes, I do this with public bathrooms. Normal.

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  • dappled

    I have my inventing hat on again. How many people here would buy a toilet that flushed itself whenever you said the word "Flush"? No physical contact required.

    And how much extra would you pay over the price of a normal toilet for one that did this?

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    • iEatZombies_

      When are they going to invent something that wipes your butt for you? That's all I ever hear about. "Well unless it can wipe my ass, blah blah blah.." So where's the ass-wiper?

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      • dappled

        Ahh, that's long since been the vaulting ambition of mankind. Every since Henry VIII employed someone who only job was to wipe his kingly arse.

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      • DaemonWolf

        If someone improved enough on current robotics to produce something delicate enough to wipe your butt with all the soft touch sensitivities involved ... I'd imagine someone might try and program it to do other delicate hand involved activities.

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        • Avant-Garde

          Who would want to have sex with a toilet?!

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    • Avant-Garde

      ^^^ If it could do this and talk it would be the lord of toilets.

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    • Avant-Garde

      That's very interesting or even a toilet that could have a conversation with you to keep you company on the throne. But I think if the loo started talking to me whilst attempting to take care of my business, I'd be scared shitless (literally)!

      They already have motion-censored ones and those terrify me! They'd flush without warning regardless if was squatting and doing my business or if I walked in/out of the stall. They're also extremely noisy! There are high-priced ones that warm up your buns or spray water on your genitals, but despite all that money you still can't communicate with them.

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      • dappled

        lol, but imagine the conversation. When you think of the life of a toilet, what would it have to talk about that you'd actually want to hear?

        "Yeah, I had Hugh Grant in here last week. Scrupulously clean he was. Almost used half a toilet roll and he only came in for a pee."

        Also, imagine being the actor winning the audition to be "voice of toilet". That's got to hit your self-esteem somewhat.

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      • NoraBaker

        LOL. I love the idea of having it converse with me! hahaha It'd been a while since I laughed like this. Me loves Ava! :)

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        • Avant-Garde


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    • NoraBaker

      Ah, take that stupid hat off, daps! Lol. There are those that you wave your hand in front of them (places that have these are usually cleaner than my bathrooms), the ones that flush every so many minutes (which I HATE, because I'm never done and I always forget, so they scare me halfway through my pee or pooh)... NO, I don't want to say FLUSH to the fucking toilet. It's its job. Unless....

      Unless it's more interesting than that and you have to perform certain tasks such as repeat a tongue twister or accomplish successfully a Simon says sequence. Then I'd be willing to pay AND handle the anxiety caused by the wait to flush. "Whether the weather be good, whether the weather be bad..."

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      • dappled

        Blah, I hate the timed self-flushers too. Our urinals do that at work. I tend to go up to one of the higher floors that is mainly taken over by labs for dangerous physics (they're the reason we have an emergency evacuation about bi-weekly). More lab space = fewer people = cleaner toilets.

        Once I stood timing the urinal (I was interrupted by two physicists, but they're physicists and didn't see anything slightly remarkable about what I was doing). It flushed for 45 seconds every 7 minutes 30 seconds (it was still going close to midnight, one night I was working late).

        Eight times an hour is 192 times a day, which equals two hours 24 minutes of solid flushing every single day for a urinal that gets used maybe twenty times in a working day and once at weekends. If they stuck a button on it so you could flush it yourself for fifteen seconds then the yearly flush would be under 22 hours (if everyone flushed, which is highly unlikely in a man's bathroom) as opposed to the 876 hours it currently is.

        Stuff like this drives me insane. If a hydrant in the road was bleeding water, someone would come along and fix it. Because something is periodic and commonplace, nobody cares. Well, except me. And I don't count because I'm strange.

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  • Avant-Garde

    At home I either do it with my shoes or with my hand accompanied by a good hand wash. In the rare occasion that I'll use a pubic loo, I'll always use my shoes!

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  • NoraBaker

    You people are disgusting! When I saw a friend of mine do it with her piss soaked heels, the world of public bathrooms collapsed for me. I had no idea the world treated it so badly. Ewww!

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