Is it normal to forget almost everyting that had happen everyday?

I'm the type of person who only remember things that are important,things that would put me in trouble if i forgot. So, i usually just forget almost everything that happen during the whole day. But I can easily remember things that i had learn at school and the bad things that had happen to me. My friends and seniors says that its bad and weird since I don't have any happy memories. so, in your opinions,is it normal to have this kind memory?

Voting Results
63% Normal
Based on 54 votes (34 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • Bake34

    When you sleep at night your brain takes all the useful information from your short term memory banks and converts it to long term memory. You remember the things from the past because they are already long term memory.

    There's nothing wrong with you. Your brain has just decided that all the stupid shit that happened to you yesterday isn't worth remembering. And really is it? Do you need to remember that you waited 3 times at that light before it turned green? Or that you paid $1.69 for that bottle of Coca Cola? Do you need to remember that entire conversion you had about kittens and how adorable they are until they grow up into cats? No! It's useless information.

    As far as what you remember long term, it's very common for people to have more bad memories than good ones. You're brain remembers trauma much clearer than elation. Personally I think it's a defense mechanism. A way to help you cope with the same situation in the future.

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    • thegypsysailor

      If you can't remember that you paid $1.69 for that bottle of Coca Cola at one place, how are you going to learn to shop at the cheaper places?
      I guess if you are a millionaire like The Donald, it doesn't matter, but the rest of us need our short term memories to develop an affordable and lifestyle.

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      • Bake34

        Lol. I know tell me about it. We live on a budget too. I remember when you could get that same twenty one ounce bottle for 75 cents.

        And I think in our op's case mom still does the shopping. ;)

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  • snarkygirl

    I have a terrible short term memory

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  • gloryholeflasher

    It's normal for me. I remember the pretty good stuff, and the pretty bad stuff, and everything else just vanishes. The more time passes the more I forget.

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  • Dread-pool

    it's normal. there's only so much room for memories in your brain.

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  • yu-gi-ohChampion25

    just be careful and don't do anything stupid.

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  • Myghoul2099

    not if you're a girl partying around.

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