Is it normal to forget things and then get mad with everyone?

As my dad gets old, he starts forgetting things he does, like once he put his keys in the table and after a while he started yelling at everyone and getting mad because he couldn't find his keys and thought someone took them. And when he realized he was wrong, he didn't say sorry or something, he just stayed proud and never said he was wrong. Is that even normal?? I want to know if that ever happened with some of your fammiliars or someone you know, because I think it's not normal !?

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47% Normal
Based on 38 votes (18 yes)
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Comments ( 7 )
  • mountain-man82

    Old people get hard headed and dont like that they are losing their mental faculties as well as physical abilities. Give him a little bit of a break. You'll one day go through the same thing.

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      But why should he get mad? what makes me angry is that he gets mad and doesn't accept his errors, I just hate it

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      • mountain-man82

        Wouldnt you get a little mad if you started losing everything that made you who you are? Its about pride.

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      • disthing

        My brother used to do this all the time - when he'd misplaced something, he'd immediately assume someone had moved it, get all mad and accuse people, realise it was in his pocket all along and not bother apologising for being a dick.

        I think it's normal for your dad to be frustrated about his mind not being as sharp as it used to be (as mountain-man82 said). But it's common courtesy and a sign of maturity to accept when you've made a mistake, and say sorry if need be.

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  • squirrelgirl

    My dad just turned 59 and he has the worst short term memory. You can't write things down for him because he will forget that they were written down! He will also forget to say polite things like "Excuse me" or "I'm sorry", and will sometimes get grouchy with us.

    But he's not the type of guy who sits on his porch and yells at kids to get off his lawn - he's still the same dad I've always known and loved (generally playful, cheerful, gentle, kind, etc), he's just more forgetful and slightly more irritable than he was when he was younger.

    I think all old men are like this to varying degrees.

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  • handsignals

    Google: Dementia. Sorry OP.

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  • He is probably really embarrassed about losing his memory so he reacts to it outwardly with anger. Was your dad always an asshole or did he only start getting mean when you noticed he was forgetting things more often?

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