Is it normal to forget what you were just thinking 30+ times a day?
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I have been complaining to my GPs for the last 4/5 years about minor health concerns such as muscle twitching, concentration issues, memory problems and things like my skin feeling irritated and finding that the muscles in my legs don't feel equal, when I'm walking I'm constantly readjusting myself so I don't walk like a drunk person, I always think that I have some disease which hasn't been diagnosed.
I was diagnosed with psychosis 3 years ago (it's schizophrenia but they won't diagnose it, I've had psychotic breaks which have lasted for long periods, more than 6 months), after I had paranoid delusions and started hearing things, and a year ago I was diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome.
My current, main issue is that my memory is awful, I find it very hard to maintain/keep a thought about something important such as getting the food out of the oven, or remembering to say/do something.
When this all started it was severe and seemed to be caused by my drug use at the time, the moment that I would leave a room or change where I'm looking I would instantly forget why I was there and what I was doing, for example I would spill a drink, go downstairs, grab a packet of crips, then when I returned to the room the memory would return to me that I needed to grab a towel.
Now my memory is at the point where my alarm will go off letting me know my food is ready, I switch it off and go back to what I'm doing.
Everybody is telling me that it's a natural part of getting older, but I'm 22 years old and yet I feel as though I have the memory of an 80 year old, does this happen to everyone?
I get so angry thinking about that I have to wait for my brain to degrade to a point that they finally see there's a problem.
What do you think? How was your memory at 22?
Apologies for the long text.