Is it normal to freak out about pregnancy?
I used to be super excited Nd eager to have children but now i feel dizzy and almost like im tripping when i think about a little human living in me and kicking.
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I used to be super excited Nd eager to have children but now i feel dizzy and almost like im tripping when i think about a little human living in me and kicking.
You didn't mention whether you were married, alone or in a relationship, so it's pretty hard to get a handle on your state of mind.
You have just signed up for an 18+ year commitment; that's a HUGE thing to contemplate.
There's the first 3 or 4 months when it doesn't sleep through the night and is ALWAYS hungry. Then the terrible 2's, the "me" years, the 20 zillion questions years and then, magically, at about 12 you become the stupidest human being on earth. They disrespect you, disobey you and disagree with everything you say.
What's NOT to freak out over?
Have fun!
I have two kids and when I was pregnant it felt weird to think there was a baby growing inside me and for some reason all that pregnancy stuff always grossed me out but it's the most natural thing in the world and women have been getting pregnant and giving birth since forever so try to relax and enjoy it and focus on that this is your child and that your love for each other will grow while your baby grows inside you and you are giving him or her protection and nourishment, I hope this helps
Well don't! I freaked out when my ex got pregnant, I freaked out big time. And I regret leaving so much, once you realize how amazing it all is you'd never have it any other way.
Birth control is an amazing thing. I'm glad I don't have a disgusting little baby.
Its really freak..but if the baby is out..u gonna say I'm a lucky mom..its hard for the first time but its really enjoy to have a child...