Is it normal to freak out when the scale shows 2 lbs more than before?

Every time I step on the scale and notice the number is 2 lbs more than before I freak out and can almost "see" that I look fatter (even though I probably don't) compared to the last time when the scale showed 2 lbs less. I know I have probably not even gained any weight (it could be water or that I have eaten), but it still affects me in a way that makes me really sad and stressed. When it shows the same weight as before I feel relieved. I have been overweight for most of my life but I have exercised for the past two years and I am currently at a healthy weight. I wonder if I will always react this way when my weight changes because i grew up overweight. And if I do, how could I ever go through a pregnancy without becoming depressed about gaining weight?

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Comments ( 5 )
  • SwickDinging

    Weigh yourself at the same time every day to get a clearer picture.

    I have been obsessed with being thin for most of my life, sometimes to the point where I've looked unhealthy. I've also been through several pregnancies. The fact is that if you don't weigh about 15kg more by the end of your pregnancy you are unhealthy and you've deprived your baby of essential nutrients. They will be weighing you and measuring you regularly to make sure you are putting on enough weight. So have to just trust what the doctors say and let that weight pile on. It's tough at first. The good news is that you wont look like a whale. Most of the weight is your baby bump and the baby itself. Your breasts will get much larger too. Unfortunately your ass and your love handles will probably increase in size, because your hips get wider, but if you continue to exercise regularly it won't look disgusting. It's a myth that pregnant women can't lift. Unless you have a high risk pregnancy you can continue weight lifting. I lifted heavy throughout all my pregnancies. Only felt the need to cut back in the last couple of weeks when the baby was due.

    It can be hard watching yourself get bigger during pregnancy when you've had issues with weight, but if it's a wanted pregnancy I guarantee you won't be as worried as you think you will be - you'll be much more focused on eating plenty of nutritious food and having a healthy baby. Your maternal instincts will kick in and you'll care much less about yourself and much more about the baby - you'll be panicking and stuffing your face without a thought about your silhouette if they say you're not heavy enough, trust me. All that will matter to you is the baby.

    I have never struggled much to shift baby weight after the baby comes - breastfeed if you're able to because that burns insane calories! The weight just falls off you even if you eat the same. And I found the lack of sleep helped too, but I guess everyone is different.

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    • merluca

      Thank you for the great advice, it makes more sense to me now. :) I have always had a dream of having a family someday, and I think I would regret it if I didn't.

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  • Meowypowers

    Weight is just a number. If you actually appear fatter in the mirror then start excersisesing and dieting

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  • LloydAsher

    Could be water weight. Not saying to dehydrate yourself. But just keep in mind when you weigh yourself when was the last time you used the restroom.

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  • litelander8

    Pick up your scale, walk to the dumpster and chuck that shit in.

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