Is it normal to freeze up and almost cry in violent situations

Ever Since I was in my early teens, Whenever I get in a fight, verbal or physical, I freeze up and it takes all of my self control not to cry.
Is this Normal?
Anyone out there that knows this feeling?

Voting Results
81% Normal
Based on 59 votes (48 yes)
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Comments ( 5 )
  • Rebel18

    I go frozen, paralyzed, i go pale.

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  • curious-kat

    My nerves always get messed up in situations like that. even if people are just arguing, i get all shakey and anxious.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Thanks, I'm glad to hear you studied Tae Kwon Do. I hope you can start working on this issue with a therapist and or support group and start to feel better. I think the fact that it was multiple older guys probably makes it worse because it wasn't a fair fight. I sincerely hope you get better. I hope those guys some bad Karma!

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  • RoseIsabella

    I imagine if it's a result of middle school bullying. It's best to avoid violence when possible and if you don't know how to defend yourself then of course you don't want to fight but when you were 13 it was probably not a good idea to flee(run) either so it sounds like you just froze as a defense in those days. Now that coping mechanism has probably worn out it's usefulness. If it's alright I like to suggest that you might take some martial arts classes to increase your self confidence and enable you to better defend yourself should it become necessary.

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    • tabula-rasa

      Thank you for, you hit the needle on the head. In the interest of full disclosure it started after I was beat up after my first visit to a club at 13, the age is a propriat for drinking in my country.
      I was attacked by a lot of older guys because I was alone, Luckily for me, 4 years of Taikwondo training paid off, but since then I have had the reactions to violence described above.

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