Is it normal to get a subdermal "tinfoil hat"?

Hello. I was thinking I should go to Mexico and find a doctor who would implant a layer of metal mesh around my skull subdermally so I can stop wasting so much money every month on tin foil. If they won't do it in Mexico then I'll try Africa.

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29% Normal
Based on 42 votes (12 yes)
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Comments ( 14 )
  • Terence_the_viking

    Trust no one.

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  • dirtybirdy

    That's so metal.

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  • i will do it for you at a fraction of the cost, i have tin foil and a hammer :)

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  • thegypsysailor

    I had mine inserted in Thailand while getting a BJ from 3 tiny hookers and a he/she. It itches once in a while, but I just stick my head in the microwave for 50 seconds and it stops. It's very hard to get my head back on straight afterwards, though.

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  • noid


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    • You wish. When you hear my ideas on fortifying my teeth and bones with metal from the inside out you may think twice about my sincerity.

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      • robbieforgotpw

        Are you trying to become wolverine with adamantium?

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  • NotStrangeBird

    I guess nobody on the internet realizes that all they sell now is ALUMINUM foil.

    But hey, if you're paying for this highly elective surgery, I guess it could be tin. The doctors might insist on titanium. Big bucks.

    PS Good luck at the airport.

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    • A. Household aluminum foil is commonly called tin foil regardless of it's composition. But since you want to try to act smart...they DO sell tin in different gauges, sizes,
      and shapes. You can buy a roll of actual tin (Sn, atomic number 50) foil. Fuckface.

      B. Do you really think a guy like me would get (or be allowed) anywhere near an airport or airplane?

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      • NotStrangeBird

        A. Hey, back up there. I'm not the one needing this hat and I ain't gonna buy your tin for your dream hat here. I got a hardware catalog that probably has that, I could look up some numbers if need be.

        Why stop there? I thought you guys were lunatics. How better to convince the world of your unique take on how the CIA aliens are talking to you than a beryllium/nickel alloy foil hat?

        Pffff. Aluminum masquerading as tin.

        ...and if it's an implant it's gonna be titanium. Maybe silver'd work too. That's be cool.

        B. As long as you have ID, can find your way around an airport, sit cramptedly for several or many hours, and keep your mouth shut you can fly all you want. I recommend bloody marys.

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        • Aliens aren't a threat, get real. The CIA is impotent. I have an antenna with a wolfram core. It's really an anti-antenna but you probably figured that.

          I don't have ID, can't sit still, I wouldn't be allowed to fly anyway and I certainly wouldn't drink the airliners overpriced "kool aid"...the lubricant by which skymall screws you. Seriously...only drunk people would buy that shit.

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          • NotStrangeBird

            Isn't an anti-antenna just a tenna? Personally, I have cable.

            I agree about the aliens, but the aluminum foil hat crowd might beg to differ.

            Don't fly then. Hundreds of airline cocktails later and still no skymall orders. I read it as a tribute to unnecessary crap.

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  • Phishy

    I hear they're doing this in my neighborhood. Wait, maybe it's not a doctor, maybe it's the drug dealer, and instead of a tin-foil hat it's crack.

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  • Dot123

    Look up a doctor on the internet.

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