Is it normal to get angry about what people feed their pets?

I have spent years researching pet diets, and testing them on my own pets. I still have many years left, but I know some major NO-NOs and I feel the urge to tell them to people I see making them, but I feel like they would get angry like I'm telling them what to do... so is it normal to be concerned about how OTHER people take care of their pets?

Voting Results
59% Normal
Based on 64 votes (38 yes)
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Comments ( 31 )
  • KlondikeSam

    Just because you think you're an authority on what pets should eat doesn't mean that you are and it's none of your business what people feed their animals. I feed my pets table scrpas and I'll bet they're healthier than yours.

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    • Table scraps are alot healthier than kibbles, and is what domesticated dogs lived on for thousands of years before kibbles came out in the last 50 years. There was a cat that lived to be the old age of 38 years on nothing but a "table scraps" diet. I am by no means attacking you. A table scraps diet can be healthy as long as you make sure that they are getting the calcuim they need, since our diets tend to lack calcium, that animals normally find in raw bones, it should be added. Table scraps reduce most digestive problems... and can be close to the homemade "cooked" diets you can make for your pets at home that are recomended by some holistic vets. I would ONLY sugest that you look into vitamin suplements to cover the areas that they may be missing. If you have a cat make sure your adding tarine as well to their diet to avoid heart problems. Also make sure you have a list of "toxic" foods so that you know what meals you have are not acceptable for your dog to eat. =) have a good day, and give you pet a big hug.

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      • Moonbow

        There are bones in table scraps, genuius!

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        • Im hoping you mean raw bones? cooked bones are dangerous to feed any animal, and most of the nutrient is cooked of of them. Yes raw bones are fine, BUT not all table scraps include raw bones. GENUIUS!

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          • Moonbow

            No, I mean cooked bones from chicken, pork chops, etc. Cooking does NOT remove the nutrients from bones (something you SHOULD know) and dogs and cats are smart enough to eat bones without getting choked. In fact, more dogs choke to death wolfing down dry dog food than choke to death on cooked bones. Stop listening to all the dog freak propaganda and think for yourself! And stop telling other people what to feed their pets and how to care for them because not only do you not know what you're talking about, it's none of your business! Get your nose out of your dog's rear end and get a freaking life!

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  • shade_ilmaendu

    I think we could really use some more explanation here. What are they feeding their pets? Why is it bad? This story is lacking in info.

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    • Kibble only diet of Purina, Iams, Beneful, science diet (carb based diets)... no suplements. These are not inteneded for prolong feeding, yet I find poeple don't care about their pets health, or wellness. Would you feed your kid corn bread for every meal of its life? I would hope not... its animal abuse (or should be).

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      • VioletTrees

        Some people can't afford supplements, though, and I think it's more important for animals to have homes than it is for them to have homes where they're being fed exactly the right things. There are so many stray animals, and if skipping supplements means that people can afford pets they wouldn't be able to afford otherwise (or afford to adopt more), that's worth it, because being on the streets is way more dangerous than a kibbles only diet.

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        • Thats the biggest misconseption that healthy diets are more expensive. they normally cost no more than $5-10 dollars a month more per pet. AND they save you from $2,000+ emergency vet visits. Most college students go to a healthy pet diet because they can not afford kibble diets. Kibble diets are proven to be the most harmful and expensive way to feed your pet.

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          • VioletTrees

            Are you assuming that most people would be willing to pay $2000+ for an emergency vet visit?

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            • I understand that some people won't, but I do believe its animal crulety to put an animal in that posistion and then not care for it. Before you get a pet you should have money saved up for emergency vet care so your pet doesnt end up homeless or killed. Nothing worse on the animal AND the owner than to have to say good bye from something that was easily provented with 5 extra dollars a month.

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  • Whyyouask

    It's not your place to but yes it is completely normal. I am aspiring to become a vet technician and sometimes I see some family members feeding their pets and can't help but think they don't deserve a pet but at the same time they don't know how badly it affects them. All you can do is warn them and they'll be the judge of whether they take or not your advice.
    P.S: What drives ME nuts is the way people view Vet's as fraud and are always "It cost me blah blah blah just to get that damn dog healthy again"

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  • wigsplitz

    So then why don't you create an affordable but good pet food?

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    • there already are, and most companies will deliver their product right to your door. there are books on how to make your own food.... everything its out there, no need for even more till the demand grows and owners turn away from processed foods.

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      • Moonbow

        So this was all a fabricated post creaated to sell pet food.

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  • Moonbow

    It's none of your damn business what people feed their pets! How would you like it if someone started telling you how and what to do with your property and pets ARE property?! Actually, studies have shown that dogs and cats that live outdoors and are fed scraps from the table are healthier and live longer than those that are kept indoors and fed processed pet food. YOU have allowed yourself to be brainwashed by the pet food manufacturers and animal freaks!

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    • fukpeople

      The person who wrote this poll is 100% correct in my eyes. Why are you ranting and raving about someone that is genuinely concerned for a pets well-being!! At least they have taken the time, in fact a few years time to do some research and finally come to the realization that the majority of pet owners is basically "killing" their pets laboriously with the crappy foods they feed them. They are saying that Kibble is NOT meant for everyday use and that the pets should have a range in their diet, though I don't agree that canned food is any better. It depends on what's in it because most of the time it is made up of water and scarps from the floor.

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      • Moonbow

        People are "killing" their pets by forcing them to live indoors (where they were not intended to live) and eat processed pet food (which they were not intended to eat). If the author is such an authority on what pet should eat, then he should be offering his/her services to veterinarians, pet food manufacturers, etc., not posting on a freaking internet website frequented primarily by teenagers!

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        • fukpeople

          I don't think the OP was saying this..?? They were simply recommending on pet owners to do some research or try a more elite food brand. Am I right? Well that's what I get from discussing it with the OP anyhow...

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        • Pet should not eat processd foods, where did you read that I supported that? And yes I know that its extremely unhealthy for pets to live indoors BUT its worse to allow pets outdoors without the proper procautions. (which I can not take at this time, due to being a college student and having to live in an apartment for this SHORT period of time) Outdoor only cats only live an average of less than 5 years. while indoor cats live well into their teens - twenties. I do not suport indoor only, but I support it MORE than letting your pet wonder freely in your neighborhood. Dogs are not allowed to wonder freely, and cats shouldnt be allowed to either, you should have proper containment for your pet in YOUR back yard. No vet would ever I mean ever support letting your pet outside to roam free. Not one, BUT who cares what vets say? other than helping your pet when it has problems and needs surgery MOST vets are not educated about jack shit. And know nothing about provention of any deaseses. You should always look for a holistic vet who supports home made diets (that they are not making money from). If you can not afford a vet like this, you should be open minded to the idea that they are not educated about everything... They have alot to learn in those years of school, alot of it is forgotten or left out. For the other question, the reason I am asking this question here is to see the response people have to it, so that I know if I should talk to my friends about just getting the ball rolling for them, about wanting to look into it and make better choices, and not to just let the pet food industery feed them lies.

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          • Moonbow

            You are clueless! We had an "outside cat" that lived to be almost 17-years-old and that's a lot longer than most indoor cats live. Our cats were never taken to a vet, never received a vaccine of any kind and ate table scraps and whatever small animals they caught.

            So stop telling other people how to raise and what to feed their pets. It's none of your business!

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      • I didn't mean to say that canned food was "great" I mean that its better than kibbled diets because they contain more water, and more meat than a kibbled diet. And I did mean to say high quality, which excludes the brands that use "scraps". I do not agree with commercial diets, rather I would recomend a home made diet, and I am not selling the pet food industry, the only reason I recomend commerical raw is because some pet owners do not add needed ingredents and have their bone, organ, and meat ratio off. I'm sorry to have upset you, this is what I was asking with this question was how upset would poeple get with someone sugesting a different diet for their pets. I even understand the fact that some people can not afford a "healthy" commerical diet. If this is the case its even more important you research how to make your own. There are many people who have proven you can feed your cat a nutrious all raw balanced diet for only 20-30 dollars a month, which is close to what most people pay for their kibbled diets. The holistic vets have proven that yes barn cats fed off of raw fresh killed rodents IS a healthier diet. BUT they are prone to getting parasites and baterial infections that are normally mild and easily treated with vet care if the cat is properly looked after. And on a side not these cats normally do not die from their food but rather from other animals killing them. Some people can not let their cats outside or choose not to. I lived in the city before I moved out of my parents house. All our cats growing up died horrible deaths, from car accidents, other animals, people killing them... so on. When I moved out I moved into an apartment with my two cats. I do know this isn't the healthiest spot for them because of the lack of space. However I plan to buy a house in the next 6 years. When I buy my house the fist thing I will do is build a cat proof fence around my property so that my cats can go outside and enjoy the fresh air in a safe enviroment that I can control.

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        • fukpeople

          I understand, and no you didn't upset me! I was talking to moonbow and wasn't upset,just trying to get my point across. And to your answer on your post, I think majority of people would be upset if you recommended or informed them on better food choices as many people know that the diet they feed their pets is prob not the best but they aren't wiling to change but then again there are some that will listen and take you advice into consideration. And I already know that raw foods carry parasites, I just wasn't going to go into detail about that, but I think it would be better if it is partially cooked. Most parisites are only "surface" parasites for eg (mince) so you don't have to cook it thoroughly to kill the bacteria.

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  • thanksforthefreecar

    Who wuold want to watch an animal diE?

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    • NotStrangeBird

      A hungry fisherman or hunter?

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      • Energy


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  • fukpeople

    completely normal, I have a gorgeous dog next door called Puupy, ( not a puppy btw lol) whos owners feed her shit basically. It's actually quite sad, she's only about 2 and suffers from arthritis already because of her malnourished diet. She eats leftovers from her owners and is pretty fat just like them. It's pretty common in situations where people lacking a nutritious diet don't care much for their pets and leads to lack of nutrition in the pets diet as well. We mentioned it to them but I think it went it one ear and out the next. I would recommend talking to those who you feel may not "blow" up at you, just to give them a heads up that their pet isn't going to last very long if they carry on with the same old food

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    • I did inform one of my guy friends, he really liked/s me, but he lives out of town. I went to visit him for the weekend, and saw what he was feeding his three dogs. I didn't say anything till about a week later, one night we were talking and I asked him If I could tell him something, and he had to promise not to blow up. He agreeed. So I told him about what he was really feeding... and what that could mean in the long run for his dogs. who are only 3 years old and he informed me that he had vet apointments for his dogs in a few days due to itchy dry skin, and gas, so on. And I told him to try different foods, but he told me that his vet recomended the food he feeds. Which is what pisses me off the most. If you are not going to a vet who has taken the time to study pet nutrient, then they know nothing about nutrient... If a vet ever recomends a purina food... RUN! or if a vet ever recomends that you feed a dry kibble to your cat rethink where you are going.... Kibble is NOT sold for everyday use the way pet owners use them. Kibble is meant for emergency only. While dogs can handle a 50% kibble diet cats need a 100% canned or raw diet, they can not handle any amount of kibble for the long run. my sister got two kittens and a year later I got my two kittens. we fed them kibble diet like every other american does... soon after my sisters cat got a horible urinary tract infection... $4,000 dollars later she was a can food only feeder. I was like nah they wouldn't sell food that was "bad". So I kept feeding dry food to my cats. My cats ALWAYS had diareah, hairballs, and bad teeth no matter what high quality food they were on. So I started doing research and learned that the leading cause of death for cats is being fed Kibble. =(. A cat on a Kibble diet has a normal life expectancy of 12-15 years, and the owners pay and average of 50% more on vet bills over their life time than canned/raw fed cats who average around 18-22 years. I know I can't change anyones minds about what to feed, unless they are already looking for answers... I just feel bad for the pets who live in cronic dehyration, organ failure, inflammed digestive tracts, and arthritis caused by kibble diets that are nothing more than a billion dollar industry... based on making themselves rich rather than your pet healthy. sorry for the rant lol.

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      • fukpeople

        hmmm, long story but that's totally fine. I respect you for going further and seeking answers to your questions on a nutritious proper diet, it shows that you actually care enough to do something about it. A lot of people these days either are too lazy( can't be bothered), are ignorant or just cannot afford the more expensive foods which obviously aide in prolonging their lifespan and minimize diseases ect. Also I have a question, Not all canned food is nutritious right? I know that the fundamentals of a lot of the supermarket canned, moist brands such as whiskers, Fancy Feast ect..., consist of something like 90% water and rest is food scrapings. No food value what so ever if you ask me. Also I've always thought that since dogs and cats originally come from the wild then they should get fed on similar foods to what they consume in their natural habitat, eg Raw meets for cats and dogs?? I just think it would be more nutritious. Anyway to cut a long story short, you are correct, and people should do some research and include a diverse selection in their pets diet rather than staying ignorant and continue to feed their pets bland food (Kibble) that is detrimental to their body. Just keep on informing those who will have an open ear as well as an open conscience, that's all I can state.

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        • you are right, Homemade raw diets are the healthiest and cheapest (per nutrient) that a owner can give their pet. However, alot of people do this diet wrong if they are not given proper education. Thus I would recomend a commerical raw diet that is highly recomended by holistic vets, or talk to a holistic pet food store owner about whats right for your pet. IF and only IF you feel your pet can not handle a diet that is raw, or you don't like the idea of raw a high quality canned food can be used. High quality means you can recognize everything on the lable and you feel like it fits a cats wild diet (mostly meat). Dogs CAN be fed a 50% MAX kibble diet, but this kibble should be as low in grain as possible, and should not be fed mixed in with raw food. The reason you can not mix raw and kibble is they take different PH levels to digest and can cause digestive upset. So if you go for a half raw half kibble diet give them two seperate meals a day.

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