Is it normal to get angry when i receive one word texts?
Whenever anyone sends me one word texts, I get annoyed and angry. It's just like if you don't have anything to say then don't say anything at all..
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Whenever anyone sends me one word texts, I get annoyed and angry. It's just like if you don't have anything to say then don't say anything at all..
Incoming 50,000 idiots trying to be clever. Opps too late.
Welp...I guess I better go than.
"It's just like if you don't have anything to say then don't say anything at all.."
I hope you're not one of those people who complains about not getting a text back when you text someone something they could care less about.
So long as it's a pet peeve its normal. I have weird pet peeves to. I don't mind if people are just confirming something and they just wrote something like 'okay' then im good so long as they realize im not gonna respond to something that small. If its send you into a rage you might have an anger problem...but since im guessing it just makes you frown, mutter angrily, complain or growl you all set.
Yes, especially when I've written a long, deep and meaningful text. Yet, what do I get in turn? "Mkay" "OMG" the list goes on!!! It's so irritating. The least people can do is write with meaning!!!
I don't like it because I get charged for my texting, and when people say something like " cool, lol, yeah, hey, nm hbu" its adding to my minutes and its like, make the most out of what your texting.
Yep..i need to know everything about your day and what your doing and how your feeling it drives me crazy too glad to know im not alone...omg say something people!when they do that it means theyre hiding and i hate those kinda people.....i dont know if its normal but it drives me up a wall myself.
You know that most people are only going to post a one word reply.
...I dont think it is normal to hate something like this, I mean, it is not like it takes up too much of your time to read... or does it?
Oh look at me I'm so butthurt because I got 1 word in my text message...seriously?
I mean...seriously?