Is it normal to get annoyed by the sidewalk shuffle?

The sidewalk shuffle annoys me. When you almost run into someone, then you move to the side to try to go around them, but they simultaneously move to the side the same direction you moved and are still directly in front of you. So you move again, but they again go same direction and still in front of you. Then the same thing ends up getting repeated like 5 times to where you get the other person scoffing all annoyed, and I'm annoyed by it too. And it seems that no matter how hard you try to avoid people and not get in their way, it seems impossible to avoid the sidewalk shuffle now and again. It's easy to avoid it when seeing someone walking from straight ahead because there's plenty of time to move away (well, even that can't be avoided when crowded because both you and oncoming people have to keep dodging around people that it's still hard to avoid a face to face run-in). The shuffle most often happens walking around corners where you can't see the other person until they're right up in your face. Coming to the end of a grocery store isle and turning is another common place for it. Anyone else find this little situation annoying?

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Comments ( 11 )
  • ImJustBored

    That actually never happens to me.

    I just hate when a group of people decide to have a conversation in the middle of the fuckin sidewalk, those are the traffic starters.

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    • 2009ispronouncedtwentyohNineKok

      You're lucky, it happened to me EVERY TIME at school.

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  • Dustyair

    I look like a goddamn mad man, they just clear a path for me.

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    • pendletonGibbs

      Same... Never had a problem with shuffling because people either move out of the way or choose to be run over.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    this is silly and unnecessary

    when yall happens walkin headon in a public walkway and this shit looks like its gonna start yall motion with yalls arms as if yalls pushin em aside one way while simultaneously keepin walkin and jinkin the opposite way

    works every time and yall can work on the gesture sos it appears 'polite' enough

    i spends lotsa time drunk in airports so i knows

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    • Hey, I like your name. You should definitely not eat stuff off a sidewalk that you've seen alot of people walking their dogs up and down. Lol.

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  • Davebettermen

    I hate the old people moving so slow in front of me on a crowded street. Sooner or later I'm gonna grab one of them by their boney shoulders and yank them outta my way. Break a few bones but I really don't give a fuck.

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  • factcheck

    This has always seemed odd to me. Step to whichever side of the sidewalk the traffic goes in your country. If you were driving down a small street and a car was coming in the opposite direction, which side of the road would you drive on? That's the side you walk on if somebody's coming in the opposite direction.

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  • suckonthis9

    That's because no-one in civic government (in many places) had established clear-cut rules for high-volume pedestrian traffic areas, that everyone understands and follows.

    Here would be an interesting rule:
    That everyone walks towards the inside when proceeding generally in two cardinal directions, and everyone walks towards the outside when proceeding generally in the two opposite cardinal directions.
    In this way, you could be walking either on the right-hand side of the sidewalk, or on the left-hand side of the sidewalk; while proceeding in the same general direction, depending on which side of the street you are on (where there are sidewalks on both sides of the street).
    Better than mundane right-side, left-side vehicular-type rules; and it could be applied universally, as long as municipalities agreed on a standard of which cardinal directions to use.

    I think inside Northerly and Easterly; and outside Southerly and Westerly, would be easiest for everyone to remember (clockwise on a compass dial).

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    • suckonthis9

      But what do you do when a Northerly sidewalk bends and continues Westerly, for instance?

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      • McBean

        You build a round-a-bout.

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