Is it normal to get annoyed by this?

I have always been the supportive/therapy friend. I always try to help my friends when they need something. I also know that when things get hard people sometimes need their space. I just don't understand why they don't seem to realize that I do to.

Last week i was too sad to go out. They wanted to go partying this week today too. I am ND and i started classes not a v long time ago, i have moved to the city with a classmate and everything has changed a lot in the past month. I live with someone who is functional and me being me i try to body double everything she does and i end up with a headache everyday, tired and burnout. When weekends come i go to my parents house, fall on the bed and rest for the whole weekend.

I told my friends that i didn't want to hangout, and for some reason they don't understand. They keep pushing me to go out. Dude. I can't. Leave me alone. I just need some alone time, but they don't seem to understand. And now they are messaging me non stop asking me to hang out and trying to give me advice and shit and i don't want any of it. I want to be left alone so i can recover. And it's kind of pissing me off.

Everyone is allowed to be sad but me.
Everyone can have a bad day but me.

It's tiring.

Let me be me for fuck's sake.

I understand that you wanna help but giving me space also helps please understand that. I have told them but they keep pushing. Is it normal I'm annoyed?

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Comments ( 7 )
  • Darkpoet

    I feel the same way too. My best friend that I've had for a long time keeps saying that shes offended, Because i've been ignoring her lately. I just want to be alone.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I think there's a Grumpy Cat t-shirt out there that addresses this very thing.

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  • unreasonablyuneasy

    For the longest time, I felt really used because my long-time friend of ten years kept berating me for "not paying attention to her feelings" because "I never asked how she was and what was happening in her life". I was blind to believe that it was my fault because I had been friends with her from a young age (7) and had only recently realised how much of a bitch she was and dropped her like a hot cake. I feel sympathy for you and I hope your friends eventually realise that you might need rest sometimes and not have to give out all the time.

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  • bbrown95

    Unfortunately, it's not uncommon for people to be wrapped up in themselves and to not be as understanding of others' problems as they expect them to be of their own.

    I think people also think they are trying to help when they want to get you out partying and doing fun things, and think it will cheer you up, as well as giving you advice, though they don't realize you just need time and space. It could be out of genuine concern, but they think they know what is best for you more than you do, which is not the case. I'm sorry you're going through this, I know it's tough.

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    • I know they do it for my own good and all that, but i already told them i just need rest and they keep pushing. When i told them i didn't want to go out they said that if i didn't go they would cry, and i felt so guilty. I apologized but didn't budge because i really didn't want to go out and they asked me to come and lay there but at their house and i just don't get it.
      Like please stop making me feel bad for needing time alone, it's hard for me to say no as it is, i don't know why they push me so much when i never do that to them, it makes me upset and annoyed.

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      • bbrown95

        That is unfortunate, it doesn't sound like they're being very supportive. They should definitely not be guilting you.

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        • Right? Now they keep messaging me a ton since it happened, it's starting to make me anxious

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