Is it normal to get annoyed if visitors ask to use the toilet?

This really bugs me. If you visit someone else, I think the least these people could do is go before you visit. There have been occasions when these visitors abuse my hospitality, one actually breaking the wc panel, others pissing on the seat and a few who just didn't pull the chain. Not pulling the chain is the epitome of laziness. There is nothing more disgusting than seeing an alien giant turd floating in your toilet bowl. Needless to say, I've stopped having parties. In fact, I have even put a sign on the toilet door 'Out Of Order'.

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43% Normal
Based on 68 votes (29 yes)
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Comments ( 18 )
  • howaminotmyself

    You must not know any good people. Go figure. :\

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  • robbieforgotpw

    Always have the bathroom out of order when you have guests and don't serve any beans or beverages.

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    • mclinking

      I think I have solved the problem. I have started to make straight for the bog as soon as these bastards arrive and I stay there until they've gone. Unfortunately, it can be a long time until the buggers finally leave. It seems that those who couldn't go have never come back and that's a good thing.

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  • Ijustknowimweird

    People you know must be pigs. Get new civilized friends, that dont mess your bathroom up. Not everyone is dirty, i understand what you feel, though.

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    • mclinking

      The people we know are not pigs but frogs. And they bring the smell of garlic into our house and pick their noses whilst their waiting for their meal. I feel so sorry for my wife who desperately needs friends, feels better whern entertaining, it's her culture, but it aint mine and I hate these trespassers and try to fart them out. I think I am winning, but the wife is considering divorce. I gave her an ultimatum, told her to stop these buggers coming or me and the cat would leave. She's debating it.

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      • Ijustknowimweird

        Geez, maybe you are taking this too far. I love entertaining as your wife, and in the end I make everyone help cleaning the mess. Maybe it helps?

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  • wigsplitz

    Yes, it's very annoying. I'll hide my toilet paper and use that as an excuse "sorry, I'm out of TP". Also, I have fixed the door so that it doesn't shut properly and that has pretty much cured the problem entirely.

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  • 8inchtool

    Why do u think they have "guest" bathrooms for. U need to call out your friends and tell them what pigs they are.

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    • mclinking

      There are two families involved here. My family and nobody likes me so they don't come.The other family is my wife's 'tribe', about 40 who never seem to pull the chain and at mealtimes fart with every bite. I am not made of money so here there is usually a queue to get into the one and only bog to have a crap. Then there's tradesmen who always seem to get caught short when they arrive here.
      However, I have now solved the problem by inserting a rubber rat on fine string at the bottom of the bowl.

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      • 8inchtool

        Yes I understand now I think that rubber rat is a great idea. Now those individuals who need to unload will shit their pants and won't have to use your toilet.
        Your wife's family sounds pathetic, I am just curious why doesn't your family like you? Trust me I know where u are coming from.

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  • cupcake_wants

    Tell them to piss outside.. or drop trow on your naighbor's doorstep..

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  • Mando

    I'd be annoyed if they used the living room.

    Anyway, you're right that your friends behaved like pigs but rather than not have parties don't invite them to any and drop them.

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  • mclinking

    There aren't any good people, apart from those we've certified as genuine good people by being tried and tested and they aren't numerous. My wife and I are very selective. We have even banned certain relatives. I rely on the cat's judgment. He can smell the bad 'uns, goes into a huff. I even refused to allow the police to enter our premises. They came here to welcome us when we first arrived in this country. They stood on our doorstep and said 'Welcome to France'. I said 'Thank you. Goodbye' and shut the door. You see, we got round the problem of visitors by emigrating. Voilà!

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  • howaminotmyself

    That's pretty silly. I know that some of the parties I've thrown have resulted in broken things but that won't stop me form being a good hostess.

    I once had to put a sign on the bathroom to encourage guests to pee outside because the toilet leaked every time it was flushed. People were pretty happy to do so.

    And currently, I have no light in my bathroom. The whole thing broke and we haven't bothered to tell the landlord yet. Some people find it weird, especially parents. So they don't stay very long.

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    • mclinking

      It is NOT pretty silly. But it's pretty silly to have visitors at all in the first place. Henceforth, I shall vet any visitors, insist they wear a tie or, if a woman, wear a dress with no knickers, and tell them to pee in the garden if they get caught short. My cat also doesn't like visitors, really gives them the glare when shooed off his favourite chair, has now started to spit and hiss at them. If only I could train him to attack them - that would be ideal.

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      • robbieforgotpw

        Does wearing a dress with no knickers mean you insist on women wearing dresses with no underwear on? How does that go over with those women? Or your wife for that matter?

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        • mclinking

          That's the trouble with me : I have great ideas but haven't a clue as to how to implement them.

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      • Shackleford96


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