Is it normal: to get bloodshot eyes from my cats

i love my cats, alot, so i dont want to get rid of them obviously. but every time they're near me, i get bloodshot eyes. i dont know whether its an allergy, and if so, what do i do?? like, i was just stroking my cat one time, and all of a sudden i got bloodshot and itchy eyes. its the same with my dog, and when i had my rabbit. but its very bad with cats... i dont know what to do.

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Comments ( 13 )
  • Jen118584

    You're actually allergic to the proteins in their spit. It's not "dandruff" or the actual fur that you're allergic to. I have three cats and I'm allergic to them, too. I take Zyrtec every day because I have seasonal allergies also. It really helps with the cat allergies. I know it can be sooo miserable to have allergies to your pets. Try the Zyrtec, even the store brand from Rite Aid or Walgreens works just fine and is much cheaper. Get some Visine A to keep around for when your eyes act up.

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    • Jen118584

      Oh, that was a little vague. Like I said, what you're allergic to is the proteins in their saliva. When cats groom themselves, obviously they coat their hair in saliva which then dries and flakes off. Tiny invisible flakes. That's what causes the allergies. Get on that Zyrtec though and you'll feel like a thousand bucks. Sometimes I even take two a day, although I don't know how medically advisable that is.

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  • verabojo

    Animals have like humans dandruff and you might have a sensitivity to pet dandruff. Just talk to your doctor or a pharmacist about what meds are the best to take that will allow you to keep the critters around.

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  • xCRASHx


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  • DonkeyHead

    i used to get puffy eyes with my cat- i have exzema though.. So maybe that is why :) just be careful when your holding him

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  • Ryuhei

    It's allergies but believe it or not you can become imune to it. That's what happened to my mom and now that she is immune we have 4 cats. So if your allergies aren't life threatining, then take some antihistimens and it will eventually go away.

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  • verabojo

    The job of immune system cells is to find foreign substances such as viruses and bacteria and get rid of them. Normally, this response protects us from dangerous diseases. People with pet allergies have supersensitive immune systems that react to harmless proteins in the pet's DANDER (dead skin that is shed), saliva or urine. These proteins are called allergens.

    Dogs and cats secrete fluids and shed dander that contain the allergens. They collect on fur and other surfaces. The allergens will not lose their strength for a long time, sometimes for several months. They appear to be sticky and adhere to walls, clothing and other surfaces.

    Pet hair is not an allergen. It can collect dander, though. It also harbors other allergens like dust and pollen.

    Cat and dog allergens are everywhere. Pet dander is even in homes never occupied by these animals because it is carried on people's clothing. The allergens get in the air with petting, grooming or stirring the air where the allergens have settled. Once airborne, the particles can stay suspended in the air for long periods of time. (asthma and allergy association of America) OK SO YEAH IT COULD BE PET DANDER! DONT TELL ME I'M WRONG PERSON ABOVE ME!

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    • Jen118584

      Jesus, calm down, lady.

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  • DomBark

    ive never heard of zytrec...
    ahaha. is it an american product?
    or is it just my low knowledge of medical products?

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  • DomBark

    thanks, but i have enough injections already.
    im asmthmatic so i have to have a flu one, and then there was the swine flu one, and the bird flu one, and im having my tb one soon.. so i'll see if theirs some pills, but thanks (:

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  • kellstar

    My friend is allergic to animals especially cats and he gets injections to stop the allergic reactions so my advice is to talk to your doctor and ask him if an injection is available and is right for u or there may even be tablets u can take

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  • DomBark

    i suppose it is then, but im not sure what to do about it.
    and thats a funny story :') i can just imagine someones feet getting itchy and that because of grass

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  • soorandom

    Ok ur probably allergic.. im allergic to grass but i just looove the way it feels between my toes so my feet break out.... alot

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