Is it normal to get extrem anxiety when making a phone call

I get panic attacks ive never been to a doctor about this. i know i should. i cant make calls to a doctor.. what would i say.. "hi ithink i'm insain.." I can't seen to call most anyone else with out doing a rehersal in my head and deep breathing, if i don't have silence to calm down and prepare then i cant call. i have hung up on people when they ask somthing too unexpected and i cant think of how to awnser the question fast enough. i don;t call loved ones,i miss them and they have no clue what is realy going on. i feel like im going crazy

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49% Normal
Based on 37 votes (18 yes)
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Comments ( 5 )
  • college

    While this is not necessarily normal, it's actually quite common. I too get butterflies in my stomach when I have to make a phone call. Unfortunately, the only way to overcome this fear is face it head on. Perhaps begin with calling people you know and trust, then gradually increase the difficulty by calling folks you don't know as well.

    It's also worthwhile to learn more about this. My homework for you is to Google: Phone Anxiety and Social Anxiety.

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  • flatusfairy

    No it is not normal. You are expressing symptom of a medical condition- clinical anxiety disorder. This is a medical condition as much as a broken arm or a heart issue.
    You should speak to your doctor and arrange for a visit to a psychiatrist who can help your brain chemistry return t normal through SSRI's (selecteive serotnin re-uptake inhibitors) and other anti-depressants.
    Mental illness affects 30% of human population. Pls get help and get well again.

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  • omgcatz

    I was like that when I was in highschool. I hung up on the pizza man once because I was so nervous I couldn't speak. I could speak fine when someone called me, but when I had to call someone, my jaw wouldn't move.

    I don't know if it's "normal", but I know that you're not alone. Lots of people have weird little idiosyncrasies.

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  • reminiscent

    This is pretty extream

    I get mild anxiety when I have to call places.... like pizza hut, school, to make an appointment. .. stuff like that. But if I know the person I dont get a panicky feeling... like a good friend, family member, ect...

    I think that you need help as this drastically interferes with your life.

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  • Shrunk

    I used to but I just had to face my fears, tell myself if i mess up just learn from the mistakes and improve for next time, it gets easier with practice

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