Is it normal to get extreme rapid heartbeat when you take a adderal

Months ago my friend gave me a adderal. He said it would help with my anxiety when it came to talking to people. It actually did help with that. I talked to a lot of people I didn't know that day with no worry. It was really nice.

After a couple hours my heartbeat started racing and got up to 169 beats per minute. I thought I was going to die. It did that for the rest of the night and the next day my heart was still racing but lowered to 126 beats.

After a couple days my heart beat went back to normal. I never took one ever again after that.

So it help with my social anxiety but almost beat my heart to death.
Is that normal?

Voting Results
50% Normal
Based on 10 votes (5 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • CDmale4fem

    To a normal person not needing it, yes it's pretty much like doing meth. A person that is prescribed it, their body chemistry is off and so it calms them down. So yea, it's like doing speed.

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    • Yeah it's usually for people with ADHD.
      It did help with my severe social anxiety but I think I will just stick to alcohol to help with it. Alcohol doesn't make me feel like I'm dying.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Isn't that shit just speed?

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    • CDmale4fem

      Pretty much yes it is. But for a person already active (ADHD)it calms them and brings them down to a level where they can think, concentrate, and get things done instead of a lifetime of never getting done multitasking.

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      • RoseIsabella

        I used to take ephedrine when I was in college, and running on little to no sleep. It is a weird thing how stimulants can help some people focus.

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    • I don't know. I never had speed.

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      • RoseIsabella

        Well, I believe it's a stimulant.

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        • It made me very social and active. I had a lot to say so yeah you're probably right.
          It's suppose to help people with ADHD so I guess it has the opposite effect on people that don't have ADHD.
          I don't have ADHD just social anxiety.

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