Is it normal to get hard at (face) cheek pinching?

Ever since I saw a scene from the sitcom Ready or Not where an Italian relative pinches Amanda's (face) cheeks, I discovered I get a boner looking at a girl having her cheeks pinched. I started looking up videos and found Jayme Joy's Chubby Cheek Pinching vid where she had two friends pinch both her cheeks until she yelped in pain and they let go, a part which I liked alot. The vid is now removed. I then came across "chubbycheeks I" and "chubbycheeks II" the only vids uploaded by Chubbypumkin where she had ger friend pinch her cheeks numerous times. Idk why I liked the parts in chubbycheeks I where she yanked her head away in pain twice when her cheeks were pinched and stretched. Maybe I'm just a sadist who likes seeing people in pain but I don't know. Is this normal? Am I a pedo if it happens when an underage girl is pinched on the cheek?

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20% Normal
Based on 10 votes (2 yes)
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Comments ( 4 )
  • RoseIsabella

    A famous once pinched my check in the early 90s.

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    This started off endearing and then... knock knock knock, it's pain.

    I originally thought you meant affectionate cheek pinching.

    What about, say, a woman being punched in the stomach, not extremely hard but enough to cause her great discomfort? Would that make you hard as well?

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    • Guguluthulu

      Well, no. I think what does it is that they're held in place like fish hooking

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  • pasta_father

    That explains a lot

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