Is it normal to get in arguments with people online on regular basis?

It's like a habit that I have on regular basis whenever i'm bored, and feel somewhat frustrated and as result of create posts and argue with people in comments and provoke them further.

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24% Normal
Based on 17 votes (4 yes)
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Comments ( 27 )
  • Somenormie

    You must be an extremely sad individual .

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Im a truck driver and I sit in this politics debate channel where I'll debate ppl everyday. But I've learned how to do it without risking my sanity. If someone starts asking me to define basic words or starts gaslighting me I'll just stop talking to them immediately. Especially if they go on long rants to explain something very basic and they get emotional. Its actually fun when you can exchange ideas without trying to "win" the debate. You'd be surprised how much you will actually agree with someone on the other side of thr political aisle if theyre reasonable.

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    • Anonnet

      Learning how to debate people without being a dick about it is, sadly, not that easy to learn and not that common to encounter.

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        I blame our educational system. Ive went on rabbit holes on youtube where I watched highschool and college debate classes from the 1960s and everyone was much more articulate and reasonable even tho what they were discussing was more controversial. If you watch a college lecture nowadays you'll see people screaming "nazi!" and trying to get the class shut down.

        Colleges need to allow different points of views to discuss without tolerating bullying and immature behavior from students.

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  • raisinbran

    I have enough agitators IRL.

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    • Giorgi

      Use a physical or intimidating enough verbal force, the more frequent it is, the more either one of them you add up in intensity, until the taste of their own medicine becomes adherent enough to their reinforcement re-education.

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  • kelili

    People who are not very confident irl tend to be amazing internet warriors. And yes, frustration also contributes to this

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    • Giorgi

      The relationship between the two is too simple to link as easily is done a chimp tying up ropes that supports the cloth he lays in. I want you to find for me more sophisticated and complicated reasons, but if that's all the link to make, then okay. that may be brutally the most of all reasons.

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    So your favorite pastime is arguing with people. Doesn’t sound like a very good use of your time.

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  • Millie_the_evil_saint

    Sounds more like an excuse to avoid dealing with the real causes behind what's frustrating you. Escapism. And not a very pleasant form of escapism either, because in doing this, you kind of transfer your frustration onto other people. People who literally never hurt you... So by doing so, you create more unhappiness and sadness in this world. Not a very productive use of your time.

    There are other more productive ways to either escape your frustration or to face your demons head on. To avoid dealing with your issues, you could throw yourself into work, or sports, or read a book or watch a movie or play a video game. To actually address your issues, what's frustrating you, and find solutions to your problems, you could introspect and ask yourself difficult questions, then follow those up with concrete action plans to resolve the shit that bothers you.

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    • Giorgi

      In countries like israel that is under total alert and there's literally any chance of terror attacks and various other shit gives people excuse to actively seek and bully other people and I, out of my misinterpretation and on background of long lasting , although temporary psychotic episode base my bad experiences with others, except that i'm not sure if i should of have rethought what i posted, since they equally bullied, albeit less severely but maybe sarcastically for not asking a sophisticated enough question and i've read comments like "We should care because?" Those passive aggressive stuff but it looks uglier, abominable in hebrew letters that look intimidating and alien and at times when they say an unfamiliar word, it seems as if they're using alien code to communicate between each other persecutory plans against me and there it starts to haunt me.

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  • ospry

    If you're 12

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    • Wow3986

      The age of your girlfriend.

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      • Giorgi

        When do we finally get this knob out of this forum?

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        • Wow3986

          When do we get this child perv out of this forum?

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    • Giorgi

      So not appropriate for a 27 year old.

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      • ospry

        I'd say it's normal and maybe even appropriate if it's something you really believe in. It's natural to want to defend something that reflects your values. If you're just pretending to be upset for the sake of furthering a reaction from someone, that's the behavior of a 12-year-old troll

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        • Giorgi

          Nah, actually for defense, and that doesn't really work as people are clever enough as much they are evil to get around your defense or anyone elses and plain simply attempt to dodge you psychologically, can go as far as gas-lighting, provocation, and various other worldly garbage and soil.

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  • Im-not-a-milllenial-like-yall

    Its fun ngl
    but u doing that shit every fucking day go touch some grass omg😭😭😭😭

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  • SweetNLite

    Not normal. Get a life.

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  • Anonnet

    I argue with people online a lot, but not because I'm trying to provoke people or be a rabble-rouser; I never create posts just to argue with people. A lot of people are just simply wrong and I'm right. They need to know this.

    Most of my arguments are harmless video game stuff, though. I avoid politics because, frankly, people get violent over it.

    Not normal either way, though. It's generally considered annoying if you're sitting there not letting anything slide. I don't debate people out of frustration, but people still get annoyed just because I'm arguing with them at all. Nobody likes to be corrected.

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  • Giorgi

    I only do these to who I sense a level of of vulnerability to bullying and exploiting people and the bystanders and other innocent people don't really deserve that much of maltreatment.

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  • bbrown95

    It's something that seems pretty common, but I don't think it's the best use of your time, nor healthy to do it on a regular basis.

    As an opinionated person, I have caught myself in arguments with people online before (more commonly when things in my own life weren't going the greatest and I was already in a bad mood), but all it did was put me in a worse mood and waste my time, so I try to avoid it as much as possible now.

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  • Tinybird

    Same. In fact I have a whole series of recordings I have titled "Stupid comments by stupid people" spanning 33 episodes so far, where I read all the "arguments" people have had with me and all the comments I think are stupid, nasty, mean, and annoying, and I read them in a mongy voice to funny music and then I stop the music and talk about the comment and why it's stupid.
    But I have never shown anyone these recordings, they're just for me to listen to and laugh at and to get it off my chest.

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    • Giorgi

      Sounds like an interesting ritual or something like that, every individual seeks and pursues their personal ideations of how to deal with things, or how to psychologically influence one self, yours is not bad at all.

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      • Tinybird

        Thanks <3 It's almost like I pretend to be one of those youtubers that discuss things "cringe" or whatever but it's for my ears only

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        • Giorgi

          By the way, the misinterpretation and some psychotic ideations started to get the best of me again, I started to compare nations again and how I feel neglected in israel and how I somehow was related to Hitler and somehow magically took a part in a massive holocaust and suffering he has caused to innocent jewish people, many years before with lowest of lowest chances I could of have been born to this world I start to think of myself of some kind of aryan with green and blue eyes scapegoat that the jewish nation will persecute, bully, torture by the most cruel means such as peeling my skin and pouring acid over for the suffering of holocaust survivors and the dead to be more clear to my subjective conscious experience of the world, and in that way i'm disciplined to empathize better even though I do, various random shit going in my head and two halves of my brain think of polar opposites, one understands that they're serious delusions and the other is certain that they're genuinely that way because someone at one point said "Just because you're paranoid and your imagination makes it real to you that doesn't mean you aren't actually in the real world actively persecuted as you have no slightest grasp of it of what happens in the real actual world, and your subjective interpretation, prediction of things" and the thing makes my brain even more confused and mentally disturbed.

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