Is it normal to get irritated at this?

Okay so, I've noticed people thumb down my comments often here no matter what I write. I'm a nice person overall, I try to give my best advice to those who aren't trolling, or on posts about interests, favourite things and whatnot I'll say what I like. I've mentioned music I like before, I mentioned a singer named Kerli once and a band called Bayside at least once, and got thumbed down. I mean what the heck? Why would that bother anyone, even if you don't listen to the same music or haven't heard of it?

And, there's one thing that REALLY got me enraged; someone said they like making fun of deformed people and that they don't have feelings, and I said how cruel that was, and three bloody comments of mine in a row got disliked! Do very few people in this world have a bloody conscience anymore? I also get thumbed down for talking about God, when I'm not even pushing my beliefs on anyone. I didn't say atheists are stupid, I just disagree with them, so why should anyone be offended?

I'm not talking about any users in particular, because as you all know, likes/dislikes are anonymous. I sorta have an idea of why my comments keep getting disliked, but if I get into that, this post might turn into more of a rant than a question. I could be wrong though, that might not even be why. These people could just be disliking my shit to troll me, so if that's the case I shouldn't get worked up. Is it normal to feel this way? Anyone else ever feel the same?

Voting Results
70% Normal
Based on 47 votes (33 yes)
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Comments ( 41 )
  • GuessWho

    I like to thumb comments back up if they were unjustly thumbed down.

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    • ProseAthlete

      I love doing that!

      I admit I also like to thumb comments back down if they were unjustly thumbed up, too. :)

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  • Shackleford96

    I might be trying to convince myself a little too, but here goes:

    You are placing WAY to much importance on comment ratings and this website. There are much more important things in life to worry about, and if you get stuck on little things like this, then how will you ever be prepared for life's REAL problems? Seriously, try not to let it bother you so much. If it still bothers you that bad, then you probably shouldn't be here. No offense.

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    • Thanks for the comment, I see where you're coming from but you may have misunderstood. That post about less fortunate people not having feelings made me angry enough to kill that cunt who posted it. I'm mad about my comments on that post getting disliked because I was talking logical. I'm not upset that people I don't even know don't like me. And the other comments, I'm just curious as to WHY they got disliked, but that doesn't anger me quite as much. What really bothers me is that people seem to care more about the fact that some people don't like certain individuals than the actual problems of the world. And I have had my share of misfortunes and I've been coping with depression for years. If anything I said gave away who I am, I might either stahp posting here or change my username. My name has been tainted and it's not even entirely my fault.

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      • ProseAthlete

        Well, here's your problem:

        "...made me angry enough to kill that cunt who posted it."

        Nothing anyone says online, ever, should make you "angry enough to kill that cunt." Unless you or others are in imminent danger from an axe-wielding madman, you should never feel "angry enough to kill that cunt." You are not being thumbed down for standing up for others; you are being thumbed down for being "angry enough to kill that cunt" over an IIN response.

        That's some alarming overreaction right there.

        Maybe you don't really feel that way, but we're stuck with a purely textual medium here. Saying "that's unkind" or "you're awful" or even "I hope someone socks you in the eye for saying that" makes sense, but getting all "Hulk smash!" enraged over responses here, especially when so many of them are from trolls, is weird.

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        • I kinda see where you're coming from, but although it's easier to troll on the net, people do it in real life too. Like when John Mayer didn't like Kate Nash's hairbow. He might be a tool, I'm not defending him, but when she threw a fit and punched him she acted very childish. And her fans laughed cause they're dumb. Yeah, before you chastise me, just know there are some who act far worse. That person who apparently supports bullying, child/animal abuse, sex crimes, etc prob wasn't a fan and I shouldn't have assumed. That was wrong on my part, and he was prob trolling anyway so maybe I overreacted.

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      • robbieforgotpw

        Life's too short to worry about these users here OP

        *turbo craps

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  • Holzman67

    To be honest with you I do not know why you're getting so worked up about this. Your opinions must be very precious to you. Even if one of my comments received 100 thumbs down, it's my point of view, everyone's point of view/perspective on things is different, they may not agree but why should I let that anger me?
    If you are only seeking to be thumbed up for comments I think that maybe you are attention seeking with your comments. And if you are enraged by getting thumbed down then maybe you are self righteous or narcissistic. You can't expect people to agree with you all the time, and if you're getting thumbed down about things you feel you certainly should be getting thumbed up for then it's the other user's problem, not yours. Either way it's such a minor thing. Maybe you are looking for validation in your life? Maybe you just want to connect with someone properly. Seek to do this in real life, not upon the net. You'll get far more satisfaction out of it.

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    • Again, I'm not upset that random strangers don't like me. Most people I come into contact with seem to like me, both on the net and in real life. I don't care if someone disagrees with me on trifling things, but some things are not a matter of opinion. Hating groups of people or those who are less fortunate or "different" in some way is WRONG. I don't mean to get worked up about the trifling shit, I just want y'all to see where I'm coming from and accept it. I happen to dislike a certain famous person (she's not even that famous where I live) and I thought people here disliked me because I openly expressed my dislike for her. Again, the fact that they dislike me doesn't upset me, I'm just saying that's a dumb reason to be mad at someone. But my comments sometimes get thumbed up when I say something negative about her, so I'm getting more convinced that that's not it. And that one cunt who said I deserved a traumatizing experience that happened to me might not have even seen my comments about her. He was new at the time, and I think he's gone now, thank the heavens above!

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      • Holzman67

        Again, i don't know why you're getting so worked up about this.

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        • People need to be more accepting and actually give a fuck about serious matters. I'm not angry for myself, but for those who are less fortunate. I just don't understand why so many people disagree with what I'm saying. That cunt who said I deserved to be sexually assaulted also said everything is morally right, including cruel and evil acts, if one feels that it is. I got ENRAGED, and again, not just for myself. But I'm kind of over it because he was probably trolling and he's gone now. I left this site for a while until the assholes were gone...considering leaving again.

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          • ProseAthlete

            At the risk of sounding like a broken record, do you see the pattern emerging here?

            You are getting screaming, veins-standing-out-on-your-neck angry -- or at least what looks like it to a casual observer -- at people on IIN. When you get that angry at people, you frankly look unhinged. Even if you're on the side of right and good -- and if you're talking about treating people less fortunate than you with dignity, you are -- you are not arguing your point effectively when you call the other person a cunt.

            The most eloquent speakers on behalf of others' rights are almost never the ones who refer to their opponents as "that cunt."

            Got it yet?

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            • Yes, I see. I still think I had every right to be angry, but it's in the past.

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          • Holzman67

            Ok yeah I see your point, and yes, I can see why it could irritate you. But I still think for that irritation to enrage you as it has, you are taking it too far.

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      • suckonthis9

        Why would you be thanking outer space, or space in general?

        'Above' and 'below' are 'relative directions'. Relative directions do not exist in Nature. This means that above and below do not exist, in this Universe, or in any other Universe.

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      • ProseAthlete

        " And that one cunt who said..."

        Try not calling women "cunts." I'm not thumbing you down for this because you seem sincere in your question, but that is incredibly offensive, at least to North Americans. I gather that in British English, it's about equivalent to "asshole" or "shithead," but here, it's incredibly derogatory, especially if directed at women.

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        • That person was probably a he. Not being sexist but he had no sympathy for a woman who was sexually assaulted (me) so I assume he is a he. I say that to describe people I dislike, male or female, but sorry if anyone is offended.

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    • suckonthis9

      Please do not use -ists or -isms.

      Thank you.

      Maybe they have an egocentric personality?

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      • Holzman67

        Where did I use an ist or ism?

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        • suckonthis9

          The -ist derived from 'Narcissus'.

          There are also other 'hidden' -ists.

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          • Holzman67

            Oh right yeah I think you're right that word is no longer used. I can think of a different way of saying it next time, ill use that. Thanks!

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      • Holzman67

        Ok sorry about that ill try use alternate language next time :)

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        • suckonthis9

          Oll Korrect, isn't. It is also superfluous, meaning it is not needed or wanted. Please try to avoid using this dreadful word abbreviation.

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          • Holzman67

            Alright I'll try. The word 'alright' is a good substitute for Oll Korrect?

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            • suckonthis9

              Usage: The one-word spelling alright appeared some 75 years after all right itself had reappeared from a 400-year-long absence. Since the early 20th century some critics have insisted alright is wrong, but it has its defenders and its users. It is less frequent than all right but remains in common use especially in daily media and business publications. It is quite common in fictional dialogue, and is used occasionally in other writing <the first two years of medical school were alright — Gertrude Stein>.

              It is probably better, in most circumstances, to use the two separate words 'all right'.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    Don't take the the up/down votes here seriously. People purposely downvote comments just to see a reaction like the one you're giving now.

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    • That's what I thought, but I don't know why they want to see a reaction. I'm trying to be serious not amusing, so why do they like it so much when I go off?

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      • Cuntsiclestick

        Because they have nothing better to do it seems.

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  • robbieforgotpw

    This site is unpredictable.
    I usually log in while I'm taking a dump

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  • it's probly only one person doing that to you

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  • Terence_the_viking

    Don't let it get to you.

    People are stupid.

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  • ScooterNyne

    Are you familiar with the term, "Troll"? haha.

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  • myboyfriendsbitch

    Sounds like you've got a hater. Let the haters hate.

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  • suckonthis9


    Okeh: Choctaw for; 'it is so'. It is so so...?


    Please do not use the Archaic euphemized word form referring to a fictitious nether world.

    Thank you.

    There is nothing wrong with speaking about a deity, but please be specific, as to which deity you are speaking about. People can not read your mind.

    Please do not use -ists or -isms.

    Thank you.

    People who are not religious?


    "Sorta", is not a word. Please sort your words into those that are sort of standard in structure.

    Thank you.

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    • What "fictitious nether world?" And I see nothing wrong with archaic language.

      Actually I WAS specific about the deity. I said God, not Allah, Buddha, Krishna, etc...

      Please find something better to do with your time, thank you.

      PS: ist, ism, race, racist, racism, deity, o-keh, Kate Nash :)

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      • suckonthis9

        The fictitious nether world which is presupposed in Abrahamic religions, and others.

        "God", is not a deity. It is a generic term which simply means 'good'.
        'Allah', was a deity, and was the same deity as Jehovah, Yahweh and YHWH, among other names.
        Gautama Buddha is not a deity. He was a real person, who lived in present-day Nepal or India about 2,500 years ago.
        Krishna is a 'deity', a member of the VHATC-L2.

        Post Script: Please stop spreading Unenlightened nonsense around the world. You will not be rewarded.

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        • Please do not capitalise unenlightened, it is not a proper noun. Proper nouns are names, geographical locations, and things like that.

          Find it annoying when I correct you? You're doing the same thing.

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          • suckonthis9

            I'm so very glad that you understood the message.

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  • jcjt8009

    Honestly, I think everyone here probably could have saved a lot text. At the end of the day, some people care and some don't. If you choose to- great. If you don't, then don't. Easy. I just don't happen to see a point- I can understand that it bothers you, but you have to wonder when commenting back, or replying, and posting is worth it when considering the audience. There are other things that are probably of more value to you. Why not focus on those instead of "zooming in" on those that clearly don't. I'm not saying you should ignore the things that bother you. But, honestly, you're giving other people the power of what you care about. You could be the one who puts it to rest and says: "It's not worth it, I'm better than that. Let me prove it to you that it's not worth my time, and that no one can make me feel inferior without my consent BY NOT allowing it to drag me down, and consequently NOT responding".

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