Is it normal to get mad when my father calls religion bullshit?

Well, i am atheist.. My whole family is... The wierd thing is that my father think religion is bullshit... But me... I respect it really much and when my father makes a comment about how dumb religion is.. I kinda feel mad about him because he says it's bullshit and stuff... We don't have proof that god is real and we don't have proof he isn't real.. So the question is: is it normal to get a little mad when my father is calling religion bullshit?
PS don't start a religion debate here plz i won't turn into a religious person!

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60% Normal
Based on 89 votes (53 yes)
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Comments ( 39 )
  • dom180

    I hate the close-mindedness. I'm an atheist, but if I felt I truly could believe in a god I probably would. I despise people who try and take things away from people that make them happy just for kicks - there aren't many things more cruel than that. Regardless of whether it's bullshit or not people who call it that are generally looking for a fight.

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  • Holzman67

    you sound agnostic to me

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    • dirtybirdy


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  • q1w2e3

    That shows that you are a person that respects other people's choices. It's certainly not right of your father to use such derogatory words towards religions and religious people. And it would not be right for me to call all non believing people names either. So, normal.

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  • My father was the exactly the same way! Although, it never made me feel angry to hear him express it. I was always intrigued by his dislike of religion and what it was about religion which would cause him to feel so strongly. When I grew up and left home, I spent a few years exploring several different religions to find out more about them and, eventually, I came to understand why he despised them so much.

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  • pacinoharmon

    Normal, I'm annoyed at close-mindedness too. I believe in God, but I believe he gives humans free will which includes the choice whether or not to believe in him. I'm not bothered by the fact that some people are atheist, I'm just bothered by the ones that say people who believe in God are stupid. Btw, you sound more agnostic than atheist; you said you don't think God can be proven either way.

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  • disthing

    He's entitled to his opinion, you're entitled to yours. It's good that you have respect for other people's contrary beliefs and can avoid using inflammatory words like 'bullshit' to describe them. However, I think there are worse things your dad could have said, and if he wasn't looking for a fight, then you shouldn't let it get to you. Why not have a mature discussion with him and share your views? Try and get him to hear your opinion, see if you can open his mind a little. But also hear his reasons, they might be valid.

    One thing I've learnt from being on this site is that those who are most openly antagonistic, vehement and frankly obnoxious when discussing spirituality or science are not the religious people. They're a group of certain atheistic people who seem to live in a bubble of intolerance - small-minded and blinded by certain biased media sources - ironically almost cult-like in their idolatry of certain scientists. The rest of us 'non-believers' are more inclined to think deeply before we respond, to see things as more than black and white.

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    • lufa

      lol at this arrogant pissant

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      • disthing

        You're such a cliché of exactly those I was referring to in the latter part of my post. I mean you're the quintessential example, it's brilliant - big headed and narrow minded :)

        You think all of us atheists should be screaming for the deconstruction of religion (especially Islam) and seem to be quite terrified of it in any form. Coward.

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        • lufa

          I just find it amusing how much you seem to enjoy licking Christian buttholes, makes me wonder if you're not one of them and just posing as an atheist.

          Relax your tits nerdweena you're not impressing anyone with your obnoxious pseudo-intellectualism.

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          • disthing

            Glad you found some light relief between quaking in your boots. Oh Dawkins save me, Sharia Law is coming! Yeah two fingers up to the jihadist fatwa terrorists and all that! Einstein is the way and the light!

            Lufa 'overcame' Christianity only to become exactly the kind of atheist that make other atheists ashamed to call themselves atheists. In the words of the Bee Gees... Tragedy.

            Relax your pelvic floor muscles Yemelyan Yaroslavsky you're not impressing anyone with your immature irreverence towards all religion.

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            • lufa

              You whine like you've been caught fucking the family dog and you're more angry over getting caught than by your own disgusting behavior.

              If you were actually an atheist you'd respect Dawkins, but it's obvious you've exposed yourself for being a theist, now whether it's a Christian or Muslim it's yet to be determined-but frankly it makes no difference to me, they're two sides of the same lunacy.

              Well if you stand by and do nothing then once the muslim population gets large enough you will have Sharia law. Personally I'd like to see your kind air-dropped into any muslim country and let the muslims teach you the finer points of Sharia with their typical style-but I doubt you'd have the balls to declare you're an atheist in their land, if you had half a brain that is.

              Your "jokes" if you can call them that are witless, like you and it just goes to show what a pathetic fraud you are that you had to parrot what I said.

              lol @ you pretending to be an atheist while you look for any opportunity to insult them, you useless piece of shit.

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  • squirrelgirl

    I'm not really religious either... If anything, I think I am agnostic. But even so, I become upset when people who are full-blown atheists try to call bullshit on every little thing and rationalize it with science. I think it's because even though I don't follow a traditional religion, I get a lot of enjoyment out of believing in supernatural/metaphysical stuff (particularly the concept of "soulbonding", as well as demonic/spiritual possession, which I guess is a similar if not the same thing). I have tried to become an atheist multiple times, but all it does is cause me a lot of anxiety and sadness. Believing in the supernatural gives me a lot of joy because I hate almost everything about the physical world that we live in, and if I were to stop believing in magic, I feel that I would have no motivation to keep going.

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    • SuperBenzid

      Atheism doesn't require or have anything to do with believing in the supernatural/magic. It is only a rejection of the God claim as it currently evidence stands.

      What you are thinking of is skepticism. Many atheists are skeptics but they certainly do not have to be. Many Buddhists and some Hindus are atheists who accept metaphysical claims.

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  • loopoo

    I agree with your dad.

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    • Pwnfacertwn

      Likewise. Every religion can't be right but they all can be wrong.... and almost certainly are. I don't claim to know or even believe some deity doesn't exist, but given the extraordinary variety of religions both dead and alive that humanity has subscribed to, it seems evident they're all manmade wishful thinking for the masses and authority tools for the powers that be. Bullshit? Yep, I believe that.

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  • GoraIntoDesiGals

    But, but religion actually IS bullshit.

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  • q25t

    There's actually fairly substantial evidence that most religions are false. It's only a god that we can't prove or disprove, as it is generally defined beyond the scope of reason or science.

    Is your father being a dick about calling religion bullshit? If he's actively seeking out people to destroy their worldview, I'd consider that to be a dick move, but if he's only doing so within his own home, it doesn't really seem all that terrible.

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  • lufa

    I believe the universe was made from the piss of a giant space dragon. Now respect my beliefs or else! That's every religion ever created, all of them are bullshit stories.

    And OP, if you respect religion, then you're not an atheist. An atheist naturally comes to despise religions on examination.

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  • handsignals

    your just rebelling, deep down you know all religions are cults and should be wiped out.

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    • Nephew7

      They really should be, i will admit though the bible makes a good story, however retarded it is to apply it to real life.

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  • Piet

    You have the right to get angry when some steps on someone els. Now I know this is not on making some one a believer or not. I believe in The Creator God and if someone calls Him names I get angry to. If you choose not to believe in Him, that is your choice. So the same here. Just one question. What is atheism other than the believe that there is no God?, so that makes is a religion and then that is what your father think of his own believes.

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  • Elliemental

    Religion is like dr pepper! What flavor is it? It is neither root beer nor cola. Nobody is sure what flavor it is, and nobody can be sure! :P

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  • You are no better than he is, you will both burn in the same Hell fire and brimstone.

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  • jcadwick911

    Byt religion is bull shit

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  • masoknox

    I'm on the same boat as you bud, I used to be religious until 4-5 years back, I don't really believe in anything but don't like calling myself an Athiest. I get pissed whenever people target religion because the accusers always complain about religion, and sometimes religious people criticize Athiest's. It's a big shit storm between the two and it gets really old... like two good friends fighting constantly.

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    • lufa

      Have you ever got into a huge argument with a friend only to realize after you thought about it, you were wrong and your friend was right? That's religion and atheism, the latter being right.

      An argument between theism/atheism is inevitable since they are two contradictory claims-both vying to explain how we and the universe came to be. Atheists and Theists are not friends, they are combatants in a war over the mind and how we perceive our world, as well as over the future of humanity.

      I used to be a Christian till my early teens then quickly realized all the claims they made were pure crap. So I dropped it like it was hot.

      There is a right and wrong here-since no one can prove if a god exists or doesn't then every logical person should at least be agnostic.

      However, when we realize the evidence is inexistent and clearly all gods were man-made, then rational people should logically conclude there is no god at all-until proof is provided to the contrary.

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  • ygrowup

    Everyone has the right to choose for themselves, including you! And no one has the right to force their views or beliefs on another. A open conversation is good, and someone having concern for you is great! But most just need to relax and let others choose for themselves what is right for them. Good luck with your choices.

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  • Grabyokids

    Thanks for the fast reactions... At least i know more 'bout it

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  • RoseIsabella

    I'm a practicing Catholic and think just as you have right to your opinion your father has a right to his opinion as well. But, you also have a right to inform him that you don't want to hear his unsolicited opinions. He'll probably still voice his opinions but you can choose to ignore him or try to distract yourself. I have to do that all the time with my family regarding their opinions on various subjects especially my mother and sister.

    I understand that in certain ways my suggestion may seem counter intuitive but it's really helped me with my peace of mind. My therapist first introduced me to notion of not engaging with people on certain matters. In my case it was definitely a skill worth cultivating. I wish you all the best!

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  • shoVel

    You won't turn into a religious person because your hellbound father has conditioned you since birth.
    Sure, it's normal to get mad about that. Tell him to prove God doesn't exists and then when he says "prove he does" walk him outside and say "Look around,where did all of these miraculous things come from, accident?" If he gives you the Big Bang Theory then ask him this "Where did this enormous explosion take place? Where did the empty enormous space that the explosion happened in come from? That's a big bunch of accidents that just happened to be perfect, perfect distance from the Sun and other planets, perfect rotation, perfect tilt, perfect speed, a lot of perfect accidents."
    what you're speaking is a miracle, the ability to communicate with each other is a miracle. Food is a miracle, water is a miracle. Accident, all of this just happened? It's funny Atheists today are spending a lot of time and energy fighting a God they claim doesn't even exist. My faith and observation of this miraculous world lets me know that God is real. Let me ask you this: If you knew 100% that God is real wouldn't you then question what is the point of us being here? Would there still be murderers, thieves, rapists, liars, sinners to judge? No. Because with absolute definitive proof it would render everything that we know in life pointless. We are here to be judged, to weed out the murderers, thieves, rapists, liars and sinners and unbelievers from entering the Kingdom of heaven. It's your choice to not believe but are you an unbeliever because your father conditioned you as an unbeliever? I think deep down you know the right answer and are questioning yourself. Follow your heart, take a look around- this didn't happen by accident. Your proof is laid out, it's up to you to see it.

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    • Grabyokids

      Hey you said my father is hellbound... It may be but he is a rally helpful good person he always works hard for people and helps them:) just want to say it so you wont get only negative thoughts of my father...

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      • shoVel

        I don't doubt he is a good person and helps people but according to the God I believe in you must accept him as your God and Savior to enter into Heaven. In the Bible I read it says without this you can't enter Heaven therefore there is only one place left to go. Sorry.

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  • RomeoDeMontague

    YES! AT LAST SOMEONE WITH SOME SENSE! WE CAN NOT PROVE EITHER WAY SO FIGHTING SOMETHING NO ONE IS COMPLETELY SURE OF IS STUPID. Do aliens exist in some far off galaxy maybe. Do they exist somewhere we cant find in ours and we just missed it maybe. It is not like any of us have any definite evidence saying what started everything. We were not here. Even evolution is a theory. One I find very possible but we were not there.

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