Is it normal to get mad when parents judge art as inferior to music?

I have a younger sister who takes piano and violin lessons. I have an aunt and two cousins who make their living on art. I've won awards for art.

However, whenever my mum deems art as an "inferior subject" in comparison to music I end up getting extremely upset. I often refuse to talk to her for the rest of the day.

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Comments ( 12 )
  • forget trying to convert her if you can , forge ahead and mix with your own kind, theyll appreciate you, oh and congrats on the awards , can you show us any of your work?

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  • myboyfriendsbitch

    Psh... You want to know who is more likely to succeed? Artists!... Well, musicians are artists, too, but the music world is SO much more competitive. At least artists aren't being pressured to sell out and conform to the set boundaries of a specific style which are "in fashion". For this reason, although art and music are equally important, I believe art has remained more pure. Really, I wish it were the same for music.

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    • kinklu

      I don't call it music. It's a 'show' made up of a guy singing falsetto and/or grunting in between while the lights flash about and smoke billows up from the floor and a guy stands on his head playing a super amplified guitar turned all the way up (If you can't be good, be loud) and a girl pretends to be playing a keyboard and "sings" occasionally while shaking her ba-donk-a-donk for punctuation.

      Anything from swallowing mice to doing flips in mid air is counted as part of the music. That's why I don't even consider some of it to be music. Whatever happened to melodies, dynamics, timbre variety, harmony, and different kinds of instruments?

      Is there no instrument besides the electronic keyboard, guitar, and drums. Oh! I forgot! Of course there is; there's the tambourine that the pretty girl uses for variety as she pretends to play the keyboard.

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  • dirtybirdy

    So to you all the kids all across the land, take it from me, parents just don't understand.

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  • Drummerguy729

    Sure if you fancy art a lot more than music.

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  • 1000yrVampireKing

    Music is a form of art. So if she says art is stupid music is as well.

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  • coolio75650932

    tell her that music is an art...since it is...the art of music...

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  • dodongos

    I hear you.
    Nobody is interesting in my artwork. They take one look and go "Oh, that's good." But they all gather around my cousin who plays music. They don't realize that I put as much work and diligence into my art.

    But, you should be lucky to have such an artistically involved family. New England is an intellectual shit-hole.

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  • powerofcake

    Are you angry because she deems art inferior to music or because she deems your art (you, you aunt & cousins) inferior to your sister's music? I ask because you're not actually clear in how your question's worded and also because it's a legitimate question. If she is deeming art as a whole inferior to music as a whole then you have to respect that everyone has their own opinions and while you can disagree with her opinion you can't tell her it's wrong. If it's yours versus theirs then of course you can be angry because it's what you're passionate about.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    Of course you get upset it is what you are doing.

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  • dappled

    I could say a lot about my parents but this is one area I couldn't complain about. Everyone in my family plays an instrument, half of us are scientific, half of us are artistic (and I'm both). There was never any feeling that any of those disciplines are more or less important. If you are good at something (whether it's art, music, or science), then the positive thing is that you are good at it, and it doesn't matter what it is.

    I don't know what stunt your mother is trying to pull here but it seems not just inconsiderate but plain wrong. Art is a wonderful thing to be good at. I'm always impressed by people with talent in this direction, especially as my talent is limited.

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    • 1000yrVampireKing Will some one approve these. Since people on this site seems to hate art and keep rejecting them.

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