Is it normal to get online at is it normal and leave asshole responses?
Is It Normal to get online late at night at is it normal and leave tons of asshole/funny responses?
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Is It Normal to get online late at night at is it normal and leave tons of asshole/funny responses?
I love it actually, this site wud be so boring w/o those kinds of comments.. People need to stop being sensitive and just laugh about it.
funny is great, but asshole comments should be read and written with the thought process pertained within a grain of salt.
some are funny. but some are just stupid pointless and not even funny, just insulting. if your going to be a douchbag make sure you make it funny
it's alright if somebody obviously trolling or posted something that's just ridiculous, but when somebody's actually looking for advice then it's just annoying and douchbaggy.
most people here do that. but really..if you don't know the people who post on here, you can't insult them right away. and you should see some of the fights in the comments section of you-tube vids. lol people are so ignorant...
Im like that too, jus feel that, without people like us, everything will be jus so boring isnt it? Cheers xD
Yeah.. People do that on youtube alot. Its annoying as fuck, too. Lol but I like to make shitty smart ass remarks, which is totally different though. I usually like making people mad and I do that the best. Lol